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1966 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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9057 |
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1973 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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33798 |
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1975 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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3666 |
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1979 |
Symphodus doderleini |
437 |
94543 |
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1980 |
Crenilabrus doderleini |
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95727 |
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1984 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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4742 |
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1986 |
Symphodus doderleini |
934 |
3397 |
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1987 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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48657 |
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1988 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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1991 |
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26335 |
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1991 |
Crenilabrus doderleini |
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35117 |
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1992 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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13729 |
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1993 |
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39819 |
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1993 |
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33971 |
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1996 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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31885 |
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1998 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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31402 |
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1999 |
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31517 |
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1999 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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50345 |
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2000 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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41474 |
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2001 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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41475 |
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2001 |
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50675 |
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2001 |
Symphodus doderleini |
143 |
57855 |
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2002 |
Symphodus doderleini |
112 |
87405 |
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2002 |
Symphodus doderleini |
776 |
41476 |
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2002 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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50933 |
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2003 |
Symphodus doderleini |
261 |
58108 |
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2003 |
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46797 |
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2003 |
Symphodus doderleini |
196 |
58342 |
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2007 |
Symphodus doderleini |
124 |
58723 |
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2007 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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95235 |
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2007 |
Symphodus doderleini |
696 |
123415 |
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2007 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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87029 |
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2008 |
Symphodus doderleini |
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83428 |
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2010 |
Symphodus doderleini |
146 |
91093 |
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2010 |
Symphodus doderleini |
496 |
95773 |
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2010 |
Symphodus doderleini |
27 |
96325 |
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2011 |
Symphodus doderleini |
48 |
95871 |
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2012 |
Symphodus doderleini |
40 |
95489 |
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2014 |
Symphodus doderleini |
389 |
113897 |
Papaconstantinou, C., 2014. Fauna Graeciae. An updated checklist of the fishes in the Hellenic seas. Monagraphs on Marine Sciences 7 |
2014 |
Symphodus doderleini |
149 |
118193 |
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2014 |
Symphodus doderleini |
267 |
116450 |
Béarez, P., P. Pruvost, É. Feunteun, S. Iglésias, P. Francour, R. Causse, J. De Mazières, S. Tercerie and N. Bailly, 2017. Checklist of the marine fishes from metropolitan France. Cybium 41(4):351-371. |
2017 |
Symphodus doderleini |
366 |
128868 |
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2023 |
Symphodus doderleini |
343 |