References Used for Stenogobius hawaiiensis
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Reference no. Description Year Name Used Page
34009 Watson, R.E., 1991. A provisional review of the genus Stenogobius with descriptions of a new subgenus and thirteen new species (Pisces: Teleostei: Gobiidae). Rec. West. Aust. Mus. 15(3):627-710. 1991 Stenogobius hawaiiensis 615-621
33983 Zink, R.M., J.M. Fitzsimons D.L. Dittman, D.R. Reynolds and R.T. Nishimoto, 1996. Evolutionary genetics of Hawaiian freshwater fish. Copeia 1996(2):330-335. 1996 Stenogobius hawaiiensis 330
31667 Anonymous, 1998. Fish collection database of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum (BPBM). Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice Street, Honolulu, Hawai`I, 96817-0916 USA. 1998 Stenogobius hawaiiensis -->
33984 Nishimoto, R.T. and J.M. Fitzsimons, 1999. Behavioral determinants of the instream distribution native Hawaiian stream fishes. In: Proc. 5th Indo-Pac. Fish Conf., Noumea, 1997 [Séret B. & J.-Y. Sire, eds]. Proc. 5th Indo-Pac. Fish Conf., Noumea, 1997: 813-818. p. 813-818. In Séret B. & J.-Y. Sire (eds) Proc. 5th Indo-Pac. Fish Conf., Noumea, 1997. 1999 Stenogobius hawaiiensis 815
44091 Yamamoto, M.N. and A.W. Tagawa, 2000. Hawai'i's native and exotic freshwater animals. Mutual Publishing, Honolulu, Hawaii. 200 p. 2000 Stenogobius hawaiiensis 25-26
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Stenogobius hawaiiensis -->
41414 Anonymous, 2002. Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West , NY 10024-5192, USA. 2002 Stenogobius hawaiiensis -->
51243 Riede, K., 2004. Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Germany. 329 p. 2004 Stenogobius hawaiiensis -->
58302 Mundy, B.C., 2005. Checklist of the fishes of the Hawaiian Archipelago. Bishop Mus. Bull. Zool. (6):1-704. 2005 Stenogobius hawaiiensis 481
111300 Peyton, K.A., T.S. Sakihara, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.E. Shimoda, S. Hau, A. Akiona and K. Lorance, 2016. Length-weight relationships for common juvenile fishes and prey species in Hawaiian estuaries. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 32:499-502. 2016 Stenogobius hawaiiensis 500
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