References Used for Apogonichthyoides sialis
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Reference no. Description Year Name Used Page
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Apogon sialis -->
46206 Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.), 2003. Catalog of fishes. Updated database version of March 2003. Catalog databases as made available to FishBase in March 2003. 2003 Apogon sialis -->
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Apogon sialis -->
83499 Fraser, T.H. and G.R. Allen, 2010. Cardinalfish of the genus Apogonichthyoides Smith, 1949 (Apogonidae) with a description of a new species from the West-Pacific region. Zootaxa 2348:40-56. 2010 Apogonichthyoides sialis -->
90102 Allen, G.R. and M.V. Erdmann, 2012. Reef fishes of the East Indies. Perth, Australia: Universitiy of Hawai'i Press, Volumes I-III. Tropical Reef Research. 2012 Apogonichthyoides sialis 370
96888 Mabuchi, K., T.H. Fraser, H. Song, Y. Azuma and M. Nishida, 2014. Revision of the systematics of the cardinalfishes (Percomorpha: Apogonidae) based on molecular analyses and comparative reevaluation of morphological characters. Zootaxa 3846(2):151-203. 2014 Apogonichthyoides sialis 202
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