References Used for Amblycirrhitus bimacula
n = 59
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Reference no. Description Year Name Used Page
1623 Smith, J.L.B. and M.M. Smith, 1963. The fishes of Seychelles. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. 215 p. 1963 Cirrhitoidea bimacula 13
5285 Smith, J.L.B., 1969. Fishes of Inhaca. p. 131-136. In W. Macnae and M. Kalk (eds.) A natural history of Inhaca Island, Moçambique. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg. 1969 Cirrhitoidea bimacula 132
35721 Kami, H.T., 1971. Check-list of Guam fishes, supplement I. Micronesica 7(1-2):215-228. 1971 Cirrhitoidea bimacula 219
592 Wass, R.C., 1984. An annotated checklist of the fishes of Samoa. Natl. Ocean. Atmos. Adminis. Tech. Rept., Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rept. Fish. (781). 1984 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 20
3921 Randall, J.E., 1985. Guide to Hawaiian reef fishes. Harrowood Books, Newtown Square, PA 19073, USA. 74 p. 1985 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
5469 Randall, J.E., 1986. Cirrhitidae. p. 664-666. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1986 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 665
6192 Kailola, P.J., 1987. The fishes of Papua New Guinea: a revised and annotated checklist. Vol. II Scorpaenidae to Callionymidae. Research Bulletin No. 41, Research Section, Dept. of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Papua New Guinea. 1987 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 358
30874 Allen, G.R. and R.C. Steene, 1988. Fishes of Christmas Island Indian Ocean. Christmas Island Natural History Association, Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, 6798, Australia. 197 p. 1988 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 99,182
10708 Zug, G.R., V.G. Springer, J.T. Williams and G.D. Johnson, 1989. The vertebrates of Rotuma and surrounding waters. Atoll Res. Bull. 316:25 p. 1989 Amblycirrhites bimacula 8
1830 Eschmeyer, W.N., 1990. Catalog of the genera of recent fishes. California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA. 697 p. 1990 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
2334 Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and R.C. Steene, 1990. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 506 p. 1990 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 285
1602 Myers, R.F., 1991. Micronesian reef fishes. Second Ed. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 298 p. 1991 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 115
4517 Hureau, J.-C., 1991. La base de données GICIM: Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. p. 225-227. In Atlas Préliminaire des Poissons d'Eau Douce de France. Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche, Ministère de l'Environnement, CEMAGREF et Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. 1991 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
5358 Miyasaka, A., 1993. A database on scientific and common names of fishes exported from Hawaii. The information was derived from the above mentioned database. A printout of the names is also available from the State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources, 1151 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, Hawaii. 1993 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
5193 Shen, S.C. (ed.), 1993. Fishes of Taiwan. Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taipei. 960 p. 1993 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
11303 Randall, J.E. and C. Anderson, 1993. Annotated checklist of the epipelagic and shore fishes of the Maldives Islands. Ichthyol. Bull. of the J.L.B. Smith Inst. of Ichthyol. (59):1-47. 1993 Amblycirrhites bimacula 15
9399 Allen, G.R. and W.F. Smith-Vaniz, 1994. Fishes of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Atoll Res. Bull. 412:21 p. 1994 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 13
9710 Lieske, E. and R. Myers, 1994. Collins Pocket Guide. Coral reef fishes. Indo-Pacific & Caribbean including the Red Sea. Haper Collins Publishers, 400 p. 1994 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 34.9
43437 Mindanao State University at Naawan, 1995. Rapid resource appraisal of Davao Gulf. Mindanao State University at Naawan Foundation for Science and Techology Development, Inc. 1995 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 344
13236 Kulbicki, M. and J.T. Williams, 1997. Checklist of the shorefishes of Ouvea Atoll, New Caledonia. Atoll Res. Bull. 444:26 p. 1997 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
28618 Randall, J.E., 1997. Randall's tank photos. Collection of 10,000 large-format photos (slides) of dead fishes. Unpublished. 1997 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
28618 Randall, J.E., 1997. Randall's tank photos. Collection of 10,000 large-format photos (slides) of dead fishes. Unpublished. 1997 Amblycirrhites bimacula -->
48445 Chen, J.-P., R.-Q. Jan and K.-T. Shao, 1997. Checklist of reef fishes from Taiping Island (Itu Aba Island), Spratly Islands, South China Sea. Pac. Sci. 51(2):143-166. 1997 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
30504 Pauly, D., R. Froese and J.S. Albert, 1998. The BRAINS table. p. 195-198. In R. Froese and D. Pauly (eds.) FishBase 98: concepts, design and data sources. ICLARM, Manila, Philippines. 298 p. 1998 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
31667 Anonymous, 1998. Fish collection database of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum (BPBM). Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice Street, Honolulu, Hawai`I, 96817-0916 USA. 1998 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
41650 Randall, J.E., 1999. Report on fish collections from the Pitcairn Islands. Atoll Res. Bull. (461):1-36. 1999 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 13
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
37816 Myers, R.F., 1999. Micronesian reef fishes: a comprehensive guide to the coral reef fishes of Micronesia, 3rd revised and expanded edition. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 330 p. 1999 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 119
34027 McCormack, G., 2000. Cook Islands biodiversity and natural heritage database. Sent by Gerald McCormack as RTF document in May 2000 for use in FishBase. 2000 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
36670 Anonymous, 2000. Fish collection database of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. 2000 Amblycirrhites bimacula -->
36670 Anonymous, 2000. Fish collection database of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. 2000 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
36648 Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim (eds.), 2000. A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl. (8):569-667. 2000 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 625
34634 Anonymous, 2000. Fish collection database of the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL). The Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL), Ocean Springs, Mississippi, USA. 2000 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
48613 Werner, T.B. and G.R. Allen, 2000. A rapid marine biodiversity assessment of the Calamianes Islands, Palawan province, Philippines. RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 17. Washington, D.C.:Conservation International. 2000 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 98
57683 Pereira, M.A.M., 2000. Preliminary checklist of reef-associated fishes of Mozambique. Maputo, Ministtry for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs (MICOA). 21 pp. 2000 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 15
12871 Randall, J.E., 2001. Cirrhitidae. Hawkfishes. p. 3321-3328. In K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 5. Bony fishes part 3 (Menidae to Pomacentridae). FAO, Rome. 2001 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Amblycirrhites bimacula -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Cirrhitoidea bimacula -->
47843 Huang, Z., 2001. Marine species and their distribution in China's seas. p. 404-463. Vertebrata. Smithsonian Institution, Florida, USA. 598 p. 2001 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 444
48636 Kuiter, R.H. and T. Tonozuka, 2001. Pictorial guide to Indonesian reef fishes. Part 2. Fusiliers - Dragonets, Caesionidae - Callionymidae. Zoonetics, Australia. 304-622 p. 2001 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 442;fig.A-B
41414 Anonymous, 2002. Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West , NY 10024-5192, USA. 2002 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
47567 Allen, G.R. and M. Adrim, 2003. Coral reef fishes of Indonesia. Zool. Stud. 42(1):1-72. 2003 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 44
48497 Hardy, J.D. Jr. (comp.), 2003. Coral reef fish species. NOAA\National Oceanographic Data Center. NODC Coral Reef Data and Information Management System. USA. 537 p. 2003 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 289
51471 Carl, H., 2003. Danish fish names. Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. Unpublished. 2003 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
53797 Randall, J.E., J.T. Williams, D.G. Smith, M. Kulbicki, G.M. Tham, P. Labrosse, M. Kronen, E. Clua and B.S. Mann, 2003. Checklist of the shore and epipelagic fishes of Tonga. Atoll Res. Bull. Nos. 502. 2003 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
54980 Randall, J.E., 2005. Reef and shore fishes of the South Pacific. New Caledonia to Tahiti and the Pitcairn Islands. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. 720 p. 2005 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 173
58302 Mundy, B.C., 2005. Checklist of the fishes of the Hawaiian Archipelago. Bishop Mus. Bull. Zool. (6):1-704. 2005 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 414
58534 Nguyen, N.T. and V.Q. Nguyen, 2006. Biodiversity and living resources of the coral reef fishes in Vietnam marine waters. Science and Technology Publishing House, Hanoi. 2006 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 65
59110 Luna, C.Z. and L. Mancao, 2006. The performance of marine protected areas supported by the FISH Project as measured by project results 3-5: a synthesis of the results of baseline assessment in 2004 and monitoring in 2005. Tetra Tech EM, Inc. Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines. 130 p. 2006 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
75154 Hoese, D.F., D.J. Bray, J.R. Paxton and G.R. Allen, 2006. Fishes. In Beasley, O.L. and A. Wells (eds.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volume 35 Australia: ABRS & CSIRO Publishing, 2178 p. 2006 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 1344-1345
89972 Bacchet, P., T. Zysman and Y. Lefèvre, 2006. Guide des poissons de Tahiti et ses îles. Tahiti (Polynésie Francaise): Éditions Au Vent des Îles. 608 p. 2006 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 321
57879 Chinese Academy of Fishery Science (CAFS), 2007. Database of genetic resources of aquatic organisms in China (as of January 2007). Chinese Academy of Fishery Science. 2007 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
86942 Fricke, R., M. Kulbicki and L. Wantiez, 2011. Checklist of the fishes of New Caledonia, and their distribution in the Southwest Pacific Ocean (Pisces). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie 4:341-463. 2011 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 408
90102 Allen, G.R. and M.V. Erdmann, 2012. Reef fishes of the East Indies. Perth, Australia: Universitiy of Hawai'i Press, Volumes I-III. Tropical Reef Research. 2012 Amblycirrhitus bimacula 312
118717 Tsuboi, M., W. van der Bijl, B.T. Kopperud, J. Erritzoe, K.L. Voje, A. Kotrschal, K.E. Yopak, S.P. Collin, A.N. Iwaniuk and N. Kolm, 2018. Breakdown of brain-body allometry and the encephalization of birds and mammals. Nat. Ecol. Evol. 2:1495-1500. 2018 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
121724 Songco, A., 2019. Personal communication. Tubbataha species list. Excel file "MyReport_Species_21May2019". 2019 Amblycirrhitus bimacula -->
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