Details for Eggers, D.M. and D.E. Rogers, 1987
Citation Eggers, D.M. and D.E. Rogers, 1987. The cycle of runs of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka to the Kvichak River, Bristol Bay, Alaska: cyclic dominance or depensatory fishing?. p. 343-366. In H.D. Smith, L. Margolis and C.C. Wood (eds.) Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) population biology and future management. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 96.
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Ref. No. 10241
Language English
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cfm script by eagbayani, 12/10/04 ,  php script by rolavides, 09/05/08 ,  last modified by vagbay 06/22/22