Morphology Data of Lacustricola pygmaeus
Identification keys
Main Ref. Bragança, P.H.N., P.H. Skelton, R. Bills, D. Tweddle and A. Chakona, 2021
Appearance refers to
Bones in OsteoBase

Sex attributes

Specialized organs
Different appearance
Different colors

Descriptive characteristics of juvenile and adult

Striking features
Body shape lateral
Cross section
Dorsal head profile
Type of eyes
Type of mouth/snout
Position of mouth
Type of scales

Diagnosis: Lacustricola pygmaeus is distinguished from L. centralis, L. jobaerti, L. johnstoni, L. jubbi, L. katangae, L. macrurus, L. matthesi, L. mediolateralis, L. moeruensis, L. myaposae, L. nigrolateralis, and L. stiassnyae by the possession of banded dorsal, anal, and caudal fins in males and also by the possession of a pointed premaxilla ascending process, in which the premaxilla medial surface is slightly convex (Ref. 123968). It is further distinguished from L. hutereaui, L. chobensis, and L. petnehazyi by an inconspicuous reticulate pattern on scale margins vs. conspicuous; banded anal, dorsal, and caudal fins in females vs. hyaline; faint bands in the middle rays of caudal fin of male vs. conspicuous bands; rounded caudal fin in males vs. elliptical; bright green-blue colour restricted to the area delimited by some of the flank scales vs. bright green colouration not restricted to scale area in L. chobensis and L. petnehazyi, and absent in L. hutereaui; quadrate posterior margin with a deep concavity vs. convex or about straight; first dorsal-fin ray inserted in a vertical to second and third anal-fin ray vs. fourth to eight (Ref. 123968). It is further distinguished from L. hutereaui by the absence of maxilla ventral sharp process vs. presence; retroarticular about the same size as anguloarticular ventral process vs. shorter; posteroventral extension on lachrymal vs. rectangular, without posteroventral extension; infraorbital canal anterior portion open, with three to four neuromasts vs. closed, with four pores; mandibular canal open, with two small neuromasts vs. closed, with four pores; head neuromasts placed in shallow grooves or on the same level as head surface vs. on deep grooves; possession of chromatophores close to eye, along infraorbital region vs. absence of chromatophores; posttemporal ventral arm not ossified vs. ossified; and by a cleithrum posterodorsal bone flap rounded vs. sinuous (Ref. 123968). Lacustricola pygmaeus is further distinguished from L. petnehazyi by the possession of 20-22 scales on longitudinal series vs. 24-27, and from L. chobensis by the possession of 26-30 caudal-fin rays vs. 21-24; 10-12 dorsal-fin rays vs. 6-8; and chromatophores along whole mid-body line of flank, forming an inconspicuous line vs. conspicuous (Ref. 123968).

Description: Dorsal profile of body deeply convex from snout tip to end of dorsal-fin base; slightly concave to straight on caudal peduncle; ventral profile convex from lower jaw to end of anal-fin base; nearly straight on caudal peduncle; caudal peduncle slightly deeper in males; anterior portion of body laterally compressed, becoming more compressed behind anal-fin origin (Ref. 123968). Dorsal fin rounded and elongated in males, tip reaching caudal-fin base; its origin in vertical between 2nd and 3rd anal-fin rays; anal fin rounded and elongated in males, tip reaching region just before caudal-fin base; dorsal and anal fins not elongated in females; caudal fin rounded in males and elliptical in females; pectoral fin elliptical, its posterior margin reaching vertical just behind pelvic-fin base; pelvic-fin length in males longer than in females, reaching between urogenital papilla aperture and first anal-fin ray; short in females, tip reaching region just before urogenital opening; pelvic-fin bases medially separated by interspace broader than width of each pelvic-fin base; dorsal-fin rays 10-12; anal-fin rays 12-15; caudal-fin rays 26-30; pectoral-fin rays 12-13; pelvic-fin rays 6 (Ref. 123968). Frontal squamation G-patterned; head neuromasts placed in shallow grooves or on same level as head surface; cephalic lateral line system: anterior portion of supraorbital sensory canal open, with 3 neuromasts, anteriormost one anteriorly displaced from other 2; posterior portion open, with 3 exposed neuromasts; anterior infra-orbital canal open, with 3 exposed neuromasts; median portion of infra-orbital region with series of 7-9 minute neuromats; posterior infra-orbital canal closed, with 2 pores; preopercular canal closed in both dorsal and ventral portins with 5 pores; mandibular canal represented by 2 neuromasts, 1 in vertical through corner of mouth and other anteriorly positioned in lower jaw ventral portion (Ref. 123968). Longitudinal series of scales 20-22; transverse series of scales 6; circumpeduncular scales 10; predorsal scales 11-13 (Ref. 123968). Mesethmoid and vomer absent; frontal, anterior margin slightly extends anteriorly between nasals; parasphenoid medial process short, not contacting pterosphenoid; anterior margin rounded; lateral ethmoid overlaps anterior portion of parasphenoid; supraoccipital posterior process long, reaching first vertebra; lachrymal with posteroventral extension; premaxillary and dentary teeth well developed, conical; outer row with larger well-spaced teeth; retroarticular triangular or subtriangular, about same depth and length of anguloarticular ventral arm; dentary deep; dorsal process of maxilla broad, overlapping premaxilla ascending process; ventral process greatly reduced, consisting of rounded ventromedial bulge; ventral arm of maxilla broad, laterally expanded; premaxilla ascending process medial surface with convex profile; entopterygoid posterior portion and sympectic bone keel deep; opercle triangular, anterodorsal process present; quadrate posterior margin with deep concavity; anterior process of anterior ceratohyal not extending ventrally to ventral hypohyal; urohyal ventral margin straight to slightly concave; first and second basibranchial lateral bone flanges unexpanded; basihyal cartilaginous portion shorter than osseous portion; fourth ceratobranchial anterior third portion with teeth; second pharyngobranchial plate with teeth; base of first epibranchial broad, more than three times width of anterior portion; supracleithrum rounded; posttemporal rodlike, ventral arm absent; cleithrum bone flange not covering scapula foramen; cleithrum posterodorsal flap rounded; ventral postcleithrum slender, width similar to adjacent first pleural rib; basipterygium posterior process shorter than medial process; anal-fin proximal radials similar in length and parallel to each other; hypurals completely fused; small gap seen in only one specimen; parhypural proximal end overlapping preural centrum (Ref. 123968). Total vertebrae 24-26, precaudal 10-11, and caudal 14-15; first proximal radial of dorsal fin between neural spine of vertebrae 9 and 11; first proximal radial of anal fin between pleural rib of vertebrae 9 and 10 (Ref. 123968). Gill rakers on first branchial arch 7-8; branchiostegal rays 5 (Ref. 123968).

Colouration: Colouration in alcohol: overall colouration of body pale brown-yellow with inconspicuous light brown reticulate pattern along flank scale margins; anterior portion of scales with concentrated chromatophores; dorsal portion of body dark brown, densely pigmented; ventral surface scarcely pigmented; pale brown chromatophores along whole midbody line of flank, forming distinct inconspicuous line; head overall colouration yellowish brown; brown chromatophores on dorsum of head, lower jaw, and preorbital region, forming distinct darker region; iris silver, darker close to pupil; dark pigment concentrated on dorsal margin of eye; anal and dorsal fins with melanophores forming conspicuous transversal bands in both males and females; grey zone in fin margin of males; caudal fin with three to four inconspicuous bands in males, restricted to middle caudal-fin rays, margins grey with several small chromatophores; conspicuous in females extending from dorsal to ventral margin of fin; pelvic fin with melanophores sparsely concentrated on fin membrane in females; dark brown in males; pectoral fin hyaline; female urogenital opening pocket scales with dark brown chromatophores (Ref. 123968). Colouration in life of males: side of body grey, with inconspicuous light brown reticulate pattern on flank scales, and bright blue colouration on some of flank scales; anterior portion of flank, just behind pectoral fin, with golden background colouration; dorsum greyish brown; ventral surface white between region just after lower jaw and pelvic-fin insertion; iridescent blue from pelvic-fin insertion to caudal peduncle; side of head predominantly bluish silver, dorsal portion dark brown; iris silver, light yellow close to pupil; eye bright silver on dorsal portion; lower jaw and preorbital region dark brown-grey, forming distinct horizontal stripe; pectoral fin hyaline; pelvic fin brown with dark chromatophores; anal and dorsal fins with brown transverse bands, most anterior bands restricted to ray insertions, posteriorly bands in sequence extending along fin rays; distinct light brown to grey zone, between transversal bands and fins border; caudal fin brownish grey with three to four vertical bands, melanophores forming light brown to grey zone close to fin margin (Ref. 123968). Colouration in life of females: side of body grey, with inconspicuous light brown reticulate pattern on flank scales, and bright blue colouration scattered on some of flank scales; light yellowish brown blotch on region just posterior to pectoral-fin insertion; dorsum yellowish brown; ventral surface white between lower jaw and pelvic-fin insertion; iridescent blue from pelvic-fin insertion to end of caudal-fin base; and grey from end of caudal-fin base to caudal peduncle; side of head predominantly bright bluish silver, ventral portion white, dorsal portion yellowish brown, postorbital region and opercle with distinct bright blue blotch; iris bluish grey, light yellow close to pupil; eye bright silver on dorsal portion; lower jaw and preorbital region dark brown-grey, forming distinct horizontal stripe; pectoral and pelvic fins hyaline; dorsal and anal fins light yellow-orange with transversal bands; caudal fin light yellow with 3 to 5 vertical bands (Ref. 123968).

Ease of Identification

Meristic characteristics of Lacustricola pygmaeus

Lateral Lines Interrupted: No
Scales on lateral line
Pored lateral line scales
Scales in lateral series 20 - 22
Scale rows above lateral line
Scale rows below lateral line
Scales around caudal peduncle 10 - 10
Gill clefts (sharks/rays only)
Gill rakers
on lower limb
on upper limb
total 7 - 8
total 24 - 26


Dorsal fin(s)

Attributes no striking attributes
Fins number 1
Finlets No. Dorsal   
Spines total 0 - 0
Soft-rays total 10 - 12
Adipose fin absent

Caudal fin

Attributes more or less truncate; more or less normal

Anal fin(s)

Fins number 1
Spines total 0 - 0
Soft-rays total 12 - 15

Paired fins

Pectoral Attributes  more or less normal
Spines     0
Soft-rays   12 - 13
Pelvics Attributes  more or less normal
Position    abdominal  before origin of D1
Spines     0
Soft-rays   6 - 6
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.10.00, php script by rolavides, 13/03/08 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17