Pictures available for Polydactylus virginicus
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(Click on picture to enlarge and see data)

tn_Povir_u4.jpgPovir_u4.jpgPhoto by Duarte, L.O.
Colombia, by Duarte, L.O. (Povir_u4.jpg)
tn_Povir_u6.jpgPovir_u6.jpgPhoto by Carvalho Filho, A.
Brazil, by Carvalho Filho, A. (Povir_u6.jpg)
tn_Povir_u7.jpgPovir_u7.jpgPhoto by Holm, E.
Guyana, by Holm, E. (Povir_u7.jpg)
tn_Povir_u0.gifPovir_u0.gifPhoto by FAO
by FAO (Povir_u0.gif)

Photos uploaded by FishBase users
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For comments, corrections please contact Aque Atanacio
(Fish identification given by uploader of photo)

Photo by Alberto Felix Martin Solanas
Brazil, Balneario Camboriu, by Alberto Felix Martin Solanas
Photo by Trevor Meyer
Panama, Bocas del Toro, 19 Mar 2007, by Trevor Meyer
Photo by Nigel Peett
Barbados, Crane Beach 25-10-2012 22cm, by Nigel Peett
Photo by César Meiners-Mandujano
Mexico, Anton Lizardo, Veracruz. March 2010, by César Meiners-Mandujano
Photo by Nhering Daniel Ortiz Lobo
Honduras, Muelle de desembarco en la Laguna de Alvarado, Puerto Cortés., by Nhering Daniel Ortiz Lobo

Note: the photos shown on this page are low resolution scans in high compression JPEG format. The copyright remains with the photographers/institutes. If you want to use any of the photos/drawings, please contact the contributor for permission. However, we would appreciate a proper indication of the source. For other drawings where the originating publication is given, you have to ask the publisher and the author for permission to use those drawings. Click on the image to see individual license applicable to each picture.
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