Photo(s) contributed by Isabel Palomera

Scientific Name FishBase Name Country Locality Date taken Photo
Ammodytes tobianus Small sandeel Amtob_j0.gif
Anguilla anguilla European eel Anang_l0.gif
Anguilla anguilla European eel Anang_l1.gif
Aphia minuta Transparent goby Apmin_j0.gif
Atherina boyeri Big-scale sand smelt Atboy_l0.gif
Atherina presbyter Sand smelt Atpre_l1.gif
Bathylagus antarcticus Antarctic deepsea smelt Baant_l0.gif
Bathylagoides argyrogaster Silver deepsea smelt Baarg_l0.gif
Bathylagoides argyrogaster Silver deepsea smelt Baarg_l1.gif
Bathylagus gracilis Bagra_j0.gif
Bathylagus gracilis Bagra_l0.gif
Bathylagus tenuis Baten_l0.gif
Belone belone Garfish Bebel_l1.gif
Caranx rhonchus False scad Carho_j0.gif
Caristius fasciatus Greenland manefish Cagro_l0.gif
Chelon labrosus Thicklip grey mullet Chlab_l1.gif
Chlorophthalmus agassizi Shortnose greeneye Chaga_l0.gif
Citharus linguatula Spotted flounder Cilin_l0.gif
Diaphus diadematus Crown lanternfish Didia_j0.gif
Diaphus diadematus Crown lanternfish Didia_l0.gif
Diaphus hudsoni Hudson's lanternfish Dihud_l0.gif
Dicentrarchus punctatus Spotted seabass Dipun_l0.gif
Dicologlossa cuneata Wedge sole Dicun_l0.gif
Diplecogaster bimaculata Two-spotted clingfish Dibim_l1.gif
Diplodus annularis Annular seabream Diann_l0.gif
Diplodus bellottii Senegal seabream Dibel_l0.gif
Engraulis encrasicolus European anchovy Enenc_l1.gif
Engraulis encrasicolus European anchovy Enenc_l2.gif
Etrumeus whiteheadi Whitehead's round herring Etwhi_l0.gif
Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog Fuhet_l0.gif
Gaidropsarus capensis Cape rockling Gacap_l0.gif
Genypterus capensis Kingklip Gecap_l0.gif
Gobius niger Black goby Gonig_l2.gif
Gobius paganellus Rock goby Gopag_l1.gif
Gymnammodytes cicerelus Mediterranean sand eel Gycic_l0.gif
Gymnammodytes semisquamatus Smooth sandeel Gysem_l1.gif
Halobatrachus didactylus Lusitanian toadfish Hadid_l0.gif
Hippocampus hippocampus Short snouted seahorse Hihip_l2.gif
Hygophum benoiti Benoit's lanternfish Hyben_l0.gif
Hygophum hygomii Bermuda lantern fish Hyhyg_l0.gif
Hygophum macrochir Large-finned lanternfish Hymac_l0.gif
Hyporhamphus picarti African halfbeak Hypic_l0.gif
Lampanyctus alatus Winged lanternfish Laala_l0.gif
Lampanyctus australis Southern lanternfish Laaus_l0.gif
Lampanyctus lepidolychnus Mermaid lanternfish Lalep_l0.gif
Lampanyctus nobilis Noble lampfish Lanob_l0.gif
Lampanyctus pusillus Pygmy lanternfish Lapus_l1.gif
Lecanogaster chrysea Lechr_l0.gif
Lepidopus caudatus Silver scabbardfish Lecau_l0.gif
Lipophrys pholis Shanny Lipho_l1.gif
Lipophrys trigloides Patri_j0.gif
Chelon auratus Golden grey mullet Liaur_j0.gif
Chelon ramada Thinlip grey mullet Liram_l0.gif
Chelon richardsonii South African mullet Liric_l0.gif
Chelon saliens Leaping mullet Lisal_l0.gif
Maurolicus muelleri Silvery lightfish Mamue_l1.gif
Merluccius paradoxus Deep-water Cape hake Mepar_l0.gif
Microchirus ocellatus Foureyed sole Mioce_l0.gif
Monochirus hispidus Whiskered sole Mohis_j0.gif
Mugil cephalus Flathead grey mullet Mucep_l0.gif
Mullus surmuletus Surmullet Musur_j0.gif
Nerophis ophidion Straightnose pipefish Neoph_j0.gif
Notoscopelus bolini Nobol_l0.gif
Notoscopelus bolini Nobol_l1.gif
Notoscopelus elongatus Noelo_l1.gif
Notoscopelus elongatus Noelo_l2.gif
Parablennius cornutus Pacor_l1.gif
Parablennius pilicornis Ringneck blenny Papil_l1.gif
Parablennius pilicornis Ringneck blenny Papil_l0.gif
Pomatomus saltatrix Bluefish Posal_j0.gif
Pomatoschistus microps Common goby Pomic_l1.gif
Protomyctophum chilense Prchi_l0.gif
Nemoossis belloci Longfin bonefish Ptbel_l1.gif
Sardina pilchardus European pilchard Sapil_l2.gif
Sarpa salpa Salema Sasal_l0.gif
Scomberesox scombroides King gar Scsau_l0.gif
Scophthalmus rhombus Brill Scrho_j0.gif
Sebastes capensis Cape redfish Secap_l0.gif
Selene dorsalis African moonfish Sedor_l0.gif
Serranus hepatus Brown comber Sehep_l0.gif
Sparus aurata Gilthead seabream Spaur_l0.gif
Sphyraena sphyraena European barracuda Spsph_j0.gif
Symbolophorus barnardi Barnards lanternfishes Sybar_l0.gif
Symbolophorus boops Bogue lanternfish Syboo_l0.gif
Symbolophorus evermanni Evermann's lantern fish Syeve_l0.gif
Symbolophorus kreffti Sykre_l0.gif
Symbolophorus rufinus Syruf_l0.gif
Symbolophorus rufinus Syruf_l1.gif
Symphodus bailloni Baillon's wrasse Sybai_l0.gif
Syngnathus abaster Black-striped pipefish Syaba_l0.gif
Syngnathus acus Greater pipefish Syacu_l0.gif
Syngnathus typhle Broadnosed pipefish Sytyp_l2.gif
Trachurus trachurus Atlantic horse mackerel Trtra_j0.gif
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.May.1999 ,  php script by elaxamana, 01.June.2009 ,  last modified by elaxamana, 11:05 AM, 01.June.2009