Main Ref. | Lehmann, A.P., B. Koech Braun, E.H.L. Pereira and R.E. Reis, 2013 (Ref. 94247) |
Name used | Parotocinclus jequi |
Catalog No. | MCP 47533 |
Locality | Headwater creek of the Rio Jequitinhonha at Cachoeira do Moinho de Esteira, on road BR-259 from Serro to Pedro Lessa, Serro, Minas Gerais |
Year | 2008 |
Altitude | 1200 - m |
Coordinates |
18° 34.35' S 43° 29.58' W In decimal: -18.57, -43.49 |
Geography area | America, South - Inland waters |
Country | Brazil |
Length | 5.31 cm SL |
Collector | T.P. Carvalho, F.C. Jerep and C.A. Cramer |
Museum | [MCP] |
Date | 11/01/08 |
Salinity | freshwater |