Occurrence Record for Triplophysa kaznakowi

Main Ref. Bogutskaya, N.G., 2007 (Ref. 58018)
Name used Triplophysa kaznakowi
Catalog No. FB 2745547
Locality "Tuguryuk R. valley" (= Nom-Gol R. flowing down from the extreme eastern escarpes of Tien-Shan Mountains and disappearing in the sands of the Nomin-Gobi Desert, ca. 42°N, 96°E, Xinijang [sic]-Uighur Autonomous Region, China).
Coordinates In decimal: 42.00, 96.00
Country China
Museum [FB]
Salinity F
Sea Drainage Nom-Gol R.
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last modified by sortiz, 10/04/17