Main Ref. | Anonymous, 1997 (Ref. 12818) |
Name used | Nothobranchius pienaari |
Catalog No. | P A4039.0072 |
Locality | road Nhamatanda (Vila Machado) to Inchope, 8km SE of Dundo, Pungwe river system |
Coordinates |
19° 40.7' S 34° 46.7' E In decimal: -19.68, 34.78 |
Geography area | Africa-Inland Waters |
Country | Mozambique |
Collector | Wildekamp, Cooper, Watters & al. |
Museum | [P] |
Sex | F |
Date | 04/04/04 |
Identifier | Shidlovskiy, Watters & Wildeka |