Country | Year | Collector | Identifier | Catalog No. | Depth (m) | Locality | Source | ||
no year | 109000 | Pulau Bintan Riau Archipelago | Portal: GBIF. Source: NCL Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||||||
Indonesia | no year | MNHN 0000-4532 | Portal: GBIF. Source: MNHN Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||||||
Indonesia | no year | 61511 | Sulawesi I., Bitung, Lembeh I., W coast, Tanjung Lampu | Portal: GBIF. Source: NSMT Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Indonesia | no year | MNHN 0000-9446 | Portal: GBIF. Source: MNHN Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||||||
Indonesia | no year | 61080 | Sulawesi I., Bitung, Lembeh I., W coast, Batulubang | Portal: GBIF. Source: NSMT Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Indonesia | no year | 61368 | Sulawesi I., Bitung, Lembeh I., W coast, Sandakan | Portal: GBIF. Source: NSMT Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Indonesia | no year | 61363 | Sulawesi I., Bitung, Lembeh I., W coast, Tanjung Lampu | Portal: GBIF. Source: NSMT Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Indonesia | no year | FB 2741405 | Jakarta [Batavia], Java, Indonesia. | Portal: FB. Source: FB | |||||
Indonésie | no year | 0000-4532 | Portal: GBIF. Source: MNHN Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||||||
Indonésie | no year | 0000-9446 | Portal: GBIF. Source: MNHN Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||||||
Micronesia | no year | CAS 204917 | Point of Yap jutting out into Passage from Tomil Bay and just NW of Donitsch (Nunguch) I.; water turbid, 0-3' deep. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Micronesia | no year | CAS 91352 | Yinuf reef ca. 900-1000 yds. NW of Tagerang Canal; channel in reef between Map I. and Tomil I. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Micronesia | no year | CAS 204930 | Tomil Harbor, ca. 200 yds. southwest of hospital; rocks, sand, Halimeda algae; water turbid, 0-6' deep. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Micronesia | no year | CAS 91313 | Reef out from mangrove area; sand, mud, coral, eel grass in small patches, unusual habitat. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Micronesia | no year | CAS 91363 | Lagoon SSE of Hospital Pt. at Colonia; broken shale rock, sand, algae and eel grass; water murky, 2-5' deep. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Micronesia | no year | CAS 91350 | Reef flat on west side of Tarang I., ca. 1 mile southwest of Tomil Pt.; shallow reef pool. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Micronesia | no year | CAS 204918 | Tomil Harbor, ca. 200 yds. southwest of hospital; rocks, sand, Halimeda algae; water turbid, 0-6' deep. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Micronesia | no year | CAS 204921 | Northeast of Tomil Village; crater-like depression in the reef, just offshore from a small brackish stream. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204931 | Ngerengchol reef between mouth of Ngell Channel & Aulebesiechel (Aurapushekaru) I.; sand & reef flat. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91354 | Reef flat, south shore of island; limestone shore; rising low tide; water mod. turbid, 1/2 knot or less. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204932 | Ca. 275 yards south of Eany District. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91353 | In cove formed by w. arm of Kogai-hanto (Auluptagel I.), around islets 33 and 34; water 0-10' deep; rising tide. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91351 | North shore; sand and eel-grass flat W of Ebadul's Pier (T-dock); 500 yds. off mangrove shore; water 0-5' deep. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204927 | About 30 ft. off southern side of M dock in 10-15 ft. of water; sand and metal rubble near pier; algae; water clear. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204922 | Boat channel on west side of "M" dock; around and beneath steel water barge stranded 50' from dock. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 208890 | In corner between north tip of Auluptagel I. and Malakal causeway between Auluptagel and Malakal Is. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91360 | 0.25 miles southwest of Ngethil I. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91367 | In the bay inside T dock, about 50 ft. from the cement landing dock to the right as one looks to the lagoon. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91357 | Se. side of "M" dock, in corner between dock and filled breakwater; encrusting algae; 50' off stone & cement shore. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91358 | Small bay on west side of Arappu Pt., east section of Koror; 0-40' off rocky shore; low tide; water 0-10' deep. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91317 | Reef flat about 10 ft. deep and about 100 ft. from shore, about 200 yds. E. and N. along shore from Ngamelis beach. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91316 | T-Dock on Arkemais Reef on N. side of island; to 20' off rocky shore; water clear, 0-4' deep; some eel grass. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91364 | Reef pool north of Toagel Mid Passage; eelgrass around edges of lagoon; water slightly turbid, to 8' deep. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91359 | South point of Babelthuap I.; water murky, 0-5' deep; 0-60' off limestone shore; tide low, rising; current 0-0.5 knot | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91368 | Eelgrass sand and coral flat in Geruheru-gairu Pass, between Kaibakku I. and Kogai-hento, Auluptagel I. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91315 | Reef flat ca. 150 yds. northwest of "M Dock"; shallow reef pool w/ sand bottom & eel grass. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204933 | Off east side of island, near abandoned dry dock; open water in bay over sand-mud bottom w/rocks and dead coral. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91309 | Causeway between Arakabesan and Koror Is.; murky water 50-100 ft. from basalt shore. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91365 | N of Aimeliik Munic., 200 yds. W of Orahal (Orakuru) I.; water clear, to 4' deep; low tide; current ca. 0.5 knot. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204924 | Extreme w. end of Koror I., shore at s. end of Arakabesan, Madalai causeway; 0-150 yds from mangrove/mud shore. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204923 | Reef flat ca. 150 yds. northwest of "M Dock"; shallow reef pool w/ sand bottom & eel grass. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91348 | Shallow pool ca. 50 yds. off mangrove shore; scattered dead coral heads & a layer of soft mud 1-3' deep. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91312 | T-Dock on Arkemais Reef on n. side of island; to 50' off rocky shore; water turbid, to 40' deep. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204928 | Ca. 350 yds. east of T dock in pool in reef flat surrounded by dead and living coral; water slightly turbid. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204920 | Near end of causeway; reef flat at edge of mangrove swamp; broken coral & mixed Helineda algae, eel grass. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204919 | Large sea cave and adjacent channel in inlet, south side of island; to app. 50' off sand/rock shore; low tide. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91347 | Reef pool NE of Station Harbor off SE part of Arakabesan I.; white, turbid water ca. 150 yds from mangrove shore. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91349 | Mud flat off SE tip of Koror I. (between Koror and Byobu Is.); water slightly turbid, 0-18" deep; low tide. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91310 | Large sea cave and adjacent channel in inlet, south side of island; to app. 50' off sand/rock shore; low tide. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91314 | Ngadarak Reef, n. of Korukiguru I.; water clear, 3-4 fms. deep; ca. 600m off limestone shore; rising tide. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91366 | On the submarine steep side of Sanryo I. in the channel between it and Ngatku Mer I.; steep coral encrusted bank. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204925 | Reef flat ca. 150 yds. northwest of "M Dock"; shallow reef pool w/ sand bottom & eel grass. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91355 | West end of Koror I., sand flat enclosed by retaining wall parallel to Malakal causeway; 0-25 yds. off rocky shore. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91361 | Eel grass bed with scattered coral ca. 1/4 miles east of Babelthuap-Koror Causeway; water slightly turbid, 0-2' deep | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 204929 | Just to W. side of dry dock railway across from M dock and just E. of the N. entrance to the cut through Auluptagel I. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Palau | no year | CAS 91362 | Southwest of Arakabesan, at end of airplane ramp; ca. 50' off rocky shore; water blue, clear, to 12' deep. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Papua New Guinea | no year | Duncker leg.28.II.1909, ded. 1909 | nach Russell 1981 | ZMH 146 | Neu-Pommern, Thilenius Hafen , Neu-Guinea | Portal: FB. Source: ZMH | |||
Papua New Guinea | 1994 | Allen, G.R. | FISH 386975 | Kimbe bay, New Britain | Portal: FB. Source: FISH | ||||
Philippines | no year | CAS 127329 | Dumaguete. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Philippines | no year | CAS 91356 | Puerto Princesa; shallow coastal waters off Canigaran. | Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||||
Philippines | no year | San Juan, Verde Island Passage, Luzon | Portal: FB. | ||||||
Solomon Islands | no year | I.15767-031 | OFF BAGA ISLAND : INIA ATOLL | Portal: GBIF. Source: AM Data from GBIF data index - original values. |