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Kneria rukwaensis : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary 
n = 12   (FB = 11, GBIF = 1)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
Tanzania1992 ZMB 32.352Western Lake Rukwa drainage, Chiwanda R. at Chiwanda, affluent of Momba R., 9?10'S, 32?34'E, Mbeya region, w. Tanzania. Portal: GBIF.
Source: ZMB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Tanzania (Unitedno yearSeegers L.Seegers L. P 93038.004793038.0049brook on road from Mbala to Sumbawanga 5km N. of the Tanzania-Zambia border, Rukwa reg., Tanganyika bas., Kalambo dr. Portal: FB.
Source: P
Tanzania (Unitedno yearSeegers L.Seegers L. P 93038.003993038.0046Kanyele riv., 61km S. of Sumbawanga on road to Mbala, Rukwa region, Tanganyika basin, Kalambo drainage Portal: FB.
Source: P
Tanzania (Unitedno yearSeegers L.Seegers L. P 93038.002893038.0038Pala riv., 55km S. of Sumbawanga at the road to Mbala, Rukwa region, Tanganyika basin, Kalambo drainage Portal: FB.
Source: P
Tanzania (Unitedno yearSeegers L.Seegers L. P 93038.001393038.0027Sau riv., at Kisumba, 20km S. of Sumbawanga on road to Mbala, Rukwa region, Tanganyika basin, Kalambo drainage Portal: FB.
Source: P
Tanzania (Unitedno yearRenninger & SeegersSeegers L. P 93038.0012Mfwizi riv., 110km N. of Sumbawanga on road to Mpanda, Rukwa region, north-western lake Rukwa drainage Portal: FB.
Source: P
Tanzania (Unitedno yearSeegers L.Seegers L. P 93038.0011small brook crossing road from Tunduma to Sumbawanga, 58km N.W. of Tunduma, Mbeya reg., west. lake Rukwa drainage Portal: FB.
Source: P
Tanzania (Unitedno yearSeegers L.Seegers L. P 93038.000193038.0010small brook crossing road from Tunduma to Sumbawanga, 58km N.W. of Tunduma, Mbeya reg., west. lake Rukwa drainage Portal: FB.
Source: P
Tanzania (Unitedno year FB 2743824Western Lake Rukwa drainage, Chiwanda R. at Chiwanda, affluent of Momba R., 9°10'S, 32°34'E, Mbeya region, w. Tanzania. Portal: FB.
Source: FB
Tanzania (United1996Seegers leg. 24.VIII.1993, ded. I.1996 ZMH 8501Sau River, at Kisumba, 20 km south of Sumbawanga, attheroad to Mbala, Kalambo drainage, western Tanzania Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Tanzania (United1996Renninger u. Seegers leg. 30.VI.1989, Seegers ded. I.1996 ZMH 8400Small brook, crossing the road from Tunduma to Sumbawanga, 58 km northwest of Tunduma, Tanzania Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Zambiano yearMatthes H.Seegers L. P -191042riv. Saisi, at Lumi confluence Portal: FB.
Source: P
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