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Epiplatys grahami : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary 
n = 47   (FB = 43, GBIF = 4)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
Beninno yearVandewalle P.Wildekamp R. P A1064.0013A1064.0014environs de Porto Novo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Beninno yearVandewalle P.Wildekamp R. P A1064.0015A1064.0016environs de Porto Novo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Benin2004 75265River below Bokoutou train Station Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Cameroonno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.2429Ekondo-Titi, brook between harbour and hospital Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearClausen & ScheelScheel J.J. P 73039.2428Mboumboula river, ca. 35 km N for Douala Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearKamdem Toham A.van der Zee J. P 93082.047393082.0481affl. du Nyamalande, entre Ipono Campement et la Nyamalande, à la sortie de Ipono Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearThys van den Audenaerde & OpdenboschRadda A. P 73029.008973029.0090Niala, petits ruisseaux forestiers Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearExp. DepierreWoeltjes T. P 96044.0159embouchure de la Lobé Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearLamboj A.van der Zee J. P 94011.009194011.0092tributary to the Lobe near Lobe Falls (Coast) Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearLamboj A.van der Zee J. P 94011.0090riv. Dipenbe (tributary of Kienke) at Kribi Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearThys van den Audenaerde & OpdenboschRadda A. P 73029.008073029.0088Kondi, petits ruisseaux Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearKamdem Toham A.van der Zee J. P 93082.0472affl. du Bizézam, à la sortie de Campo vers Ipono Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearThys van den Audenaerde & OpdenboschRadda A. P 73029.0079Bekoko, ruisseau Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno year FB 2741088Bipindenof [Bipindi], 3°12'N, 10°35'E, sw. Cameroon. Portal: FB.
Source: FB
Cameroonno yearRadda A.Radda A. P 77017.049277017.0537Mbonge Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearClausen & ScheelWildekamp R. P 75038.141175038.1425Mbonge near managers house Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.243273039.243328 km N of Kribi towards Edea, brook Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.243073039.243110 km E of Kribi towards Ebolowa, ca. 1 km E of Pongo, brook Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroon1993 MRAC 93082.0473 - 93082.0481affl. du Nyamalande, entre Ipono Campement et la Nyamalande, ? la sortie de Ipono Portal: GBIF.
Source: MRAC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Cameroon1993 MRAC 93082.0472affl. du Biz?zam, ? la sortie de Campo vers Ipono Portal: GBIF.
Source: MRAC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Equatorial Guineno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.243473039.243834 km S of Bata Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.247073039.250456 km S of Bata Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.246873039.246944-45 km S of Bata Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.243973039.246736 km S of Bata Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.van der Zee J. P 73002.228873002.2293km 30 route Bata-Rio Benito Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearRoman B.Roman B. P -173238-173242km 25, route de Bata à Bolondo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.van der Zee J. P 73002.2294km 25 route Bata-Rio Benito Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearLamboj, Weissenbacher & al.van der Zee J. P 96048.0036small riv. 3km N. of Lambarene Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearRoberts T.Woeltjes T. P 80051.0889small stream within city limits of Libreville, about 2 km W of Bongo statue Portal: FB.
Source: P
GHANA1937 14916Small watershed 23 miles from Dunkwa Portal: GBIF.
Source: NRM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Nigeriano yearKing R.P.van der Zee J. P 93039.0231Ibedu stream (Ekpe Atai), Kwa Ibo riv. Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Teugels G. P 92052.047792052.0478Sombreiro meander swamp along ELF pipeline north side of EW road, about 4 km east of Ahoada Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Teugels G. P 92014.007192014.0073New Calabar, tidal freshwater swampforest at Univ. Port Harcourt, between Choba bridge and ARAC Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.van der Zee J. P 91100.005991100.0061drying swampforest waters about 2 or 3 km east of Kaiama, on East-West road, near turn-off to Kalama village Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Woeltjes T. P 91067.0107Agudama-Epie, Epie creek, ± 15 km N.E. of Yenagoa town Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Woeltjes T. P 91067.010191067.0106Sombreiro river, meander swamp, E. of Erema, N. of Ahoada Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Woeltjes T. P 91055.0571Iguoriakhi, stream entering west side of riv. Osse N. of ..., Midwest state Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Wildekamp R. P 91010.052391010.0525stream 3 km southeast of Emuoha, New Calabar system Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Wildekamp R. P 91003.002891003.0031Akpor, New Calabar river Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Wildekamp R. P 91001.032391001.0325Akpor (= Rumuakporali), New Calabar river Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Wildekamp R. P 88043.0392New Calabar river at Elele-Alimini Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Wildekamp R. P 88035.0355Rumuji, New Calabar river Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearSydenham H.Sydenham H. P 76006.035776006.0360Majidun, near Ogun river mouth, Lagos lagoon Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearReid J.C.Wildekamp R. P 84051.016684051.0167Atimbo ferry road, Calabar, Cross River State Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Wildekamp R. P 88035.035688035.0358Oshika, about 10 km W of Ahoada Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano year FB 2739357Swamps in Lagos, 6°27'N, 3°23'E, Nigeria. Portal: FB.
Source: FB
Nigeria1909Manger ded. 8.XII.1909 ZMH 3797Sapelli, Nigerdelta, Nigeria Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.08.99,  php script by rolavides, 2/11/2008,  last modified by cmilitante, 11:00 AM 19/08/2011
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