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Coris roseoviridis : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary 
n = 17   (GBIF = 14, OBIS = 3)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
Austral Islands1971 71840Pacific Ocean; Austral Islands (Tubuai Islands), Raivavae, outside barrier reef SE of Motu Haa Portal: GBIF.
Source: ROM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Cook Islandsno year I.39086-001Rarotonga Portal: GBIF.
Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
French Polynesia2002 381668.5298964Rapa, NW coast on Vavai reef, shallow surge channel with sand at base. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
French Polynesia2002 379684.5297468Rapa, W coast on Vavai Reef, coral with channels running through formations, algae all around Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
French Polynesia2002 381717.5299122Rapa, NW coast, steep outer reef slope with deep surge channels in shallower water. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
French Polynesia2002 381817.5299305Rapa, at shore drop off in a rocky crevice, algae covering rock wall, few encrusting corals, at Pt. Auroa Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
French Polynesia2002 378172.5292883Rapa: Haure, Bay, hard bottom with thin layer of sediment just W. of Kotunui Pt. in middle of bay Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
French Polynesia2002 378173.5292884Rapa, off SE side of Tarakoi Islet on E side of Rapa; sandy area surrounded by boulders to 3 m wall at shore; lots of brown algae Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Polynesia1971 SAIAB-046623 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Polynesia1971 SAIAB-046624 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Polynesia1971 SAIAB-046625 Portal: OBIS.
Source: SAIAB
Polynesia1971 SAIAB-046622Big pool at St. Paul Point Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Polynesia1971 SAIAB-046625Big pool at St. Paul Point Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Polynesia1971 SAIAB-046623Big pool at St. Paul Point Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Polynesia1971 SAIAB-046624Big pool at St. Paul Point Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Polynesia1971 60032Big pool at St. Paul Point Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Polynésie França1971 1999-0443 Portal: GBIF.
Source: MNHN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.08.99,  php script by rolavides, 2/11/2008,  last modified by cmilitante, 11:00 AM 19/08/2011
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