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Hemilepidotus jordani: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   
n = 2296   (GBIF = 1109, OBIS = 1011, FB = 176)      View map: C-squares Mapper
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Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
Hemilepidotus jordani199951.36-179.50260286 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.36-179.50260286 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200052.62-179.50298962 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani52.62-179.50298962 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani196151.40-179.42UBC 63-1010AK AMCHITKA ID CONSTANTINE HARBOR KIRILOF WHARF
Portal: GBIF. Source: UBC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani196151.41-179.42UBC 63-1015AK AMCHITKA ID CONSTANTINE HARBOUR
Portal: GBIF. Source: UBC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
51.40-179.42UBC 631010Wilimovsky, N.J.; Peden, A.; McCann, J.A., AK AMCHITKA ID CONSTANTINE HARBOR KIRILOF WHARF
Portal: FB. Source: UBC
51.41-179.42UBC 631015Wilimovsky, N.J.; Peden, A.E.; Jones, R.D., AK AMCHITKA ID CONSTANTINE HARBOUR
Portal: FB. Source: UBC
Hemilepidotus jordani199951.52-179.16260435 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.52-179.16260435 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.52-178.83260491 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani199951.52-178.83260491 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani197952.50-178.60URN:CATALOG:UWFC:LARVAL COLLECTION:UW 065919 Portal: OBIS. Source: UWFC
Hemilepidotus jordani197958.95-178.33URN:CATALOG:UWFC:LARVAL COLLECTION:UW 066140 Portal: OBIS. Source: UWFC
Hemilepidotus jordani51.96-178.2728436Aleutian Islands
Portal: GBIF. Source: KU
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.96-178.27KU 28436Aleutian Islands
Portal: GBIF. Source: KU
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.96-178.272342Aleutian Islands
Portal: GBIF. Source: KU
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.96-178.272342Aleutian Islands
Portal: GBIF.
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.96-178.2728436Aleutian Islands
Portal: GBIF.
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani197952.38-178.23URN:CATALOG:UWFC:LARVAL COLLECTION:UW 065931 Portal: OBIS. Source: UWFC
Hemilepidotus jordani51.67-178.16429817 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.67-178.16385570 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.67-178.16260708 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200251.67-178.16385570 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani200351.67-178.16429817 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani199951.67-178.16260708 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani59.94-178.16446511 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200359.94-178.16446511 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani60.33-178.16446645 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200360.33-178.16446645 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani196151.97-177.98UBC 63-0915AK KISKA ID KISKA HARBOUR 0.5 MI W OF N HEAD
Portal: GBIF. Source: UBC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani196151.97-177.98UBC 63-0916AK KISKA ID KISKA HARBOUR
Portal: GBIF. Source: UBC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
51.97-177.98UBC 630915Wilimovsky, N.J.; Peden, A.E., AK KISKA ID KISKA HARBOUR 0.5 MI W OF N HEAD
Portal: FB. Source: UBC
51.97-177.98UBC 630916Wilimovsky, N.J.; Peden, A.E., AK KISKA ID KISKA HARBOUR
Portal: FB. Source: UBC
Hemilepidotus jordani200159.18-177.83383626 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani59.18-177.83383626 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200359.94-177.83446543 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani59.94-177.83446543 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.83-177.50429904 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200351.83-177.50429904 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani58.80-177.50382673 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200158.80-177.50382673 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani58.99-177.50109372 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani199558.99-177.50109372 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani200159.18-177.50383520 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani59.18-177.50383520 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani199858.80-177.16219916 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani58.80-177.16219916 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani59.18-177.16383644 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200159.18-177.16383644 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani200359.56-177.16458886 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani59.56-177.16458886 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani199858.80-176.83219944 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani58.80-176.83219944 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani59.18-176.83109883 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani199559.18-176.83109883 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
51.75-176.77UBC 650391M/V John N. Cobb, AK S OF ADAK ID
Portal: FB. Source: UBC
Hemilepidotus jordani196351.75-176.77UBC 65-0391AK S OF ADAK ID
Portal: GBIF. Source: UBC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
51.86-176.63UBC 631429Peden, A.; MacGregor; et al., ADAK ID SWEEPER COVE SSE OF GANNET ROCKS
Portal: FB. Source: UBC
Hemilepidotus jordani196351.86-176.63UBC 63-1429ADAK ID SWEEPER COVE SSE OF GANNET ROCKS
Portal: GBIF. Source: UBC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani195651.86-176.63UBC 63-0337ADAK ID AREA SWEEPER COVE OFF PIER 9
Portal: GBIF. Source: UBC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Portal: FB. Source: UBC
51.85-176.58UBC 631422Peden, A., ADAK ID FINGER BAY
Portal: FB. Source: UBC
51.85-176.58UBC 630903Wilimovsky, N.J.; Peden, A.E., ADAK ID N SHORE OF FINGER BAY
Portal: FB. Source: UBC
Hemilepidotus jordani196151.85-176.58UBC 63-0903ADAK ID N SHORE OF FINGER BAY
Portal: GBIF. Source: UBC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani196351.85-176.58UBC 63-1422ADAK ID FINGER BAY
Portal: GBIF. Source: UBC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200051.67-176.50297467 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.67-176.50297467 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200351.99-176.50430109 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.99-176.50430109 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.67-176.16429865 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200051.67-176.16297692 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.67-176.16183420 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani199851.67-176.16183420 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.67-176.16297692 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200351.67-176.16429865 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani200359.75-176.16459446 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani59.75-176.16459446 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.85-175.8628302Aleutian Islands
Portal: GBIF.
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.85-175.862112Aleutian Islands
Portal: GBIF.
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.85-175.86KU 28302Aleutian Islands
Portal: GBIF. Source: KU
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.85-175.862112Aleutian Islands
Portal: GBIF. Source: KU
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.85-175.8628302Aleutian Islands
Portal: GBIF. Source: KU
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200251.83-175.83385735 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani200051.83-175.83297927 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani200351.83-175.83430075 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.83-175.83430075 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.83-175.83385735 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.83-175.83297927 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200251.99-175.83385921 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani200351.99-175.83430222 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.99-175.83298133 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200051.99-175.83298133 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.99-175.83430222 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani51.99-175.83385921 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani52.14-175.83430525 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200352.14-175.83430525 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani52.14-175.83298397 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hemilepidotus jordani200052.14-175.83298397 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
YELLOW IRISH LORD. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Hemilepidotus jordani58.61-175.83382518 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
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Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15