Fish Identification: Find Species

Class: Teleostei
Order: Callionymiformes
Family: Callionymidae Dragonets

Genus: Synchiropus

(See list of species below)

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46 species
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Photo by CSIRO

Max. Length 17 cm SL
Synchiropus altivelis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845)

Photo by Photo by CSIRO
Synchiropus altivelis
[Highfin bigeye dragonet]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 16.7 cm TL
Synchiropus atrilabiatus (Garman, 1899)

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Synchiropus atrilabiatus
[Antler dragonet]

Photo by Graham, K.

Western Central Pacific.

Synchiropus australis (Nakabo & McKay, 1989)

Photo by Photo by Graham, K.
Synchiropus australis
[Queensland bigeye dragonet]

Photo by Henke, M.

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 4.5 cm TL
Synchiropus bartelsi Fricke, 1981

Photo by Photo by Henke, M.
Synchiropus bartelsi
[Bartel's dragonet]

Photo by Wehner, C.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 2.3 cm SL
Synchiropus circularis Fricke, 1984

Photo by Photo by Wehner, C.
Synchiropus circularis
[Circled dragonet]
No picture found

Max. Length 2.2 cm TL

Synchiropus claudiae
[Claudia's dragonet]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 4 cm SL
Synchiropus corallinus (Gilbert, 1905)

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Synchiropus corallinus
[Exclamation point dragonet]

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 15.7 cm SL
Synchiropus delandi Fowler, 1943

Photo by Photo by Shao, K.T.
Synchiropus delandi
[Deland’s dragonet]

Photo by Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), Harvard University

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 18.4 cm SL
Synchiropus goodenbeani (Nakabo & Hartel, 1999)

Photo by Photo by Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), Harvard University
Synchiropus goodenbeani
[Palefin dragonet]

Photo by Fricke, R.

Eastern Indian Ocean

Synchiropus grandoculis Fricke, 2000

Photo by Photo by Fricke, R.
Synchiropus grandoculis
[Western Australian bigeye dragonet]

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 6.5 cm TL
Synchiropus grinnelli Fowler, 1941

Photo by Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Synchiropus grinnelli
[Philippines dragonet]

Photo by Fricke, R.

Eastern Central Pacific

Synchiropus hawaiiensis Fricke, 2000

Photo by Photo by Fricke, R.
Synchiropus hawaiiensis
[Hawaiian bigeye dragonet]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 10 cm TL
Synchiropus ijimai Jordan & Thompson, 1914

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Synchiropus ijimai
[Japanese dragonet]
No picture found

Max. Length 14.2 cm SL

Synchiropus kanmuensis
[Kanmu dragonet]
No picture found

Max. Length 13.1 cm SL

Synchiropus kinmeiensis
[Kinmei dragonet]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 2 cm SL
Synchiropus kiyoae Fricke & Zaiser, 1983

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Synchiropus kiyoae
[Kiyo’s dragonet]
No picture found

Max. Length 3 cm TL

Synchiropus laddi
[Ladd's dragonet]
No picture found

Synchiropus lateralis
[Chinese ornate dragonet]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-West Pacific.
Max. Length 5.3 cm SL
Synchiropus lineolatus (Valenciennes, 1837)

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Synchiropus lineolatus
[Indian ornate dragonet]
No picture found

Max. Length 13 cm TL

Synchiropus marmoratus
[Marbled dragonet]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Indian Ocean.
Max. Length 2.3 cm SL
Synchiropus minutulus Fricke, 1981

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Synchiropus minutulus
[Minute flagfin dragonet]
No picture found

Max. Length 13 cm TL

Synchiropus monacanthus
[Deep-water dragonet]

Photo by Petrinos, C.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Synchiropus morrisoni Schultz, 1960

Photo by Photo by Petrinos, C.
Synchiropus morrisoni
[Morrison's dragonet]

Photo by Honeycutt, K.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 7.5 cm TL
Synchiropus moyeri Zaiser & Fricke, 1985

Photo by Photo by Honeycutt, K.
Synchiropus moyeri
[Moyer's dragonet]
No picture found

Synchiropus novaecaledoniae
[West Jumeau bigeye dragonet]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.4 cm SL

Synchiropus novaehiberniensis
[New Ireland dragonet]

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/D. Terver

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 8.9 cm TL
Synchiropus ocellatus (Pallas, 1770)

Photo by Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/D. Terver
Synchiropus ocellatus
[Ocellated dragonet]
No picture found

Synchiropus orientalis

Photo by Fricke, R.

Western Central Pacific

Synchiropus orstom Fricke, 2000

Photo by Photo by Fricke, R.
Synchiropus orstom
[Orstom dragonet]

Photo by Crocetta, F.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 18 cm TL
Synchiropus phaeton (Günther, 1861)

Photo by Photo by Crocetta, F.
Synchiropus phaeton
[Phaeton dragonet]

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 7 cm TL
Synchiropus picturatus (Peters, 1877)

Photo by Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda
Synchiropus picturatus
[Picturesque dragonet]

Photo by SFSA

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 2.6 cm TL
Synchiropus postulus Smith, 1963

Photo by Photo by SFSA
Synchiropus postulus
[Dwarf dragonet]

Photo by CSIRO

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 15 cm TL
Synchiropus rameus (McCulloch, 1926)

Photo by Photo by CSIRO
Synchiropus rameus
[High-finned dragonet]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 3.6 cm NG
Synchiropus randalli Clark & Fricke, 1985

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Synchiropus randalli
[Randall's dragonet]

Photo by Fricke, R.

Western Central Pacific

Synchiropus richeri Fricke, 2000

Photo by Photo by Fricke, R.
Synchiropus richeri
[Richer’s dragonet]

Photo by Stender, K.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 2.2 cm SL
Synchiropus rosulentus Randall, 1999

Photo by Photo by Stender, K.
Synchiropus rosulentus
[Rosy dragonet]
No picture found

Max. Length 2.4 cm TL

Synchiropus rubrovinctus
[Tiny Hawaiian dragonet]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 3.8 cm SL
Synchiropus sechellensis Regan, 1908

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Synchiropus sechellensis
[Seychelles dragonet]

Photo by Fricke, R.

Western Central Pacific

Synchiropus signipinnis Fricke, 2000

Photo by Photo by Fricke, R.
Synchiropus signipinnis
[Chesterfield bigeye dragonet]

Photo by Honeycutt, K.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 7 cm TL
Synchiropus splendidus (Herre, 1927)

Photo by Photo by Honeycutt, K.
Synchiropus splendidus
No picture found

Max. Length 1.8 cm SL

Synchiropus springeri
[Springer's dragonet]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indian Ocean
Max. Length 7.5 cm TL
Synchiropus stellatus Smith, 1963

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Synchiropus stellatus
[Starry dragonet]

Photo by Tea, Y.-K.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 4.0 cm SL
Synchiropus sycorax Tea & Gill, 2016

Photo by Photo by Tea, Y.-K.
Synchiropus sycorax
[Ruby dragonet]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 4.8 cm TL
Synchiropus tudorjonesi Allen & Erdmann, 2012

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Synchiropus tudorjonesi
[Redback dragonet]
No picture found

Max. Length 22 cm TL

Synchiropus valdiviae
[Valdivia dragonet]
No picture found

Synchiropus zamboangana
[Zamboangan dragonet]

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Synchiropus altivelis Highfin bigeye dragonet Indo-Pacific 17 SL 1845
Synchiropus atrilabiatus Antler dragonet Eastern Pacific 16.7 TL 1899
Synchiropus australis Queensland bigeye dragonet Western Central Pacific. 1989
Synchiropus bartelsi Bartel's dragonet Western Central Pacific 4.5 TL 1981
Synchiropus circularis Circled dragonet Western Pacific 2.3 SL 1984
Synchiropus claudiae Claudia's dragonet Western Central Pacific 2.2 TL 1990
Synchiropus corallinus Exclamation point dragonet Pacific Ocean 4 SL 1905
Synchiropus delandi Deland’s dragonet Western Central Pacific 15.7 SL 1943
Synchiropus goodenbeani Palefin dragonet Western Atlantic 18.4 SL 1999
Synchiropus grandoculis Western Australian bigeye dragonet Eastern Indian Ocean 2000
Synchiropus grinnelli Philippines dragonet Western Central Pacific 6.5 TL 1941
Synchiropus hawaiiensis Hawaiian bigeye dragonet Eastern Central Pacific 2000
Synchiropus ijimai Japanese dragonet Northwest Pacific 10 TL 1914
Synchiropus kanmuensis Kanmu dragonet Northwest Pacific 14.2 SL 1983
Synchiropus kinmeiensis Kinmei dragonet Pacific Ocean 13.1 SL 1983
Synchiropus kiyoae Kiyo’s dragonet Pacific Ocean 2 SL 1983
Synchiropus laddi Ladd's dragonet Pacific Ocean 3 TL 1960
Synchiropus lateralis Chinese ornate dragonet Western Pacific 1844
Synchiropus lineolatus Indian ornate dragonet Indo-West Pacific. 5.3 SL 1837
Synchiropus marmoratus Marbled dragonet Western Indian Ocean 13 TL 1855
Synchiropus minutulus Minute flagfin dragonet Western Indian Ocean. 2.3 SL 1981
Synchiropus monacanthus Deep-water dragonet Western Indian Ocean and 13 TL 1935
Synchiropus morrisoni Morrison's dragonet Western Pacific 8 TL 1960
Synchiropus moyeri Moyer's dragonet Western Pacific 7.5 TL 1985
Synchiropus novaecaledoniae West Jumeau bigeye dragonet Western Central Pacific. 1993
Synchiropus novaehiberniensis New Ireland dragonet Western Pacific 3.4 SL 2016
Synchiropus ocellatus Ocellated dragonet Pacific Ocean 8.9 TL 1770
Synchiropus orientalis Indian Ocean. 1801
Synchiropus orstom Orstom dragonet Western Central Pacific 2000
Synchiropus phaeton Phaeton dragonet Eastern Atlantic 18 TL 1861
Synchiropus picturatus Picturesque dragonet Indo-West Pacific 7 TL 1877
Synchiropus postulus Dwarf dragonet Western Indian Ocean 2.6 TL 1963
Synchiropus rameus High-finned dragonet Western Central Pacific 15 TL 1926
Synchiropus randalli Randall's dragonet Southeast Pacific 3.6 NG 1985
Synchiropus richeri Richer’s dragonet Western Central Pacific 2000
Synchiropus rosulentus Rosy dragonet Eastern Central Pacific 2.2 SL 1999
Synchiropus rubrovinctus Tiny Hawaiian dragonet Western Pacific 2.4 TL 1905
Synchiropus sechellensis Seychelles dragonet Indo-West Pacific 3.8 SL 1908
Synchiropus signipinnis Chesterfield bigeye dragonet Western Central Pacific 2000
Synchiropus splendidus Mandarinfish Western Pacific 7 TL 1927
Synchiropus springeri Springer's dragonet Western Pacific 1.8 SL 1983
Synchiropus stellatus Starry dragonet Indian Ocean 7.5 TL 1963
Synchiropus sycorax Ruby dragonet Western Pacific 4.0 SL 2016
Synchiropus tudorjonesi Redback dragonet Western Pacific 4.8 TL 2012
Synchiropus valdiviae Valdivia dragonet Southeast Atlantic. Vald 22 TL 1981
Synchiropus zamboangana Zamboangan dragonet Western Central Pacific 1910

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013