Fish Identification: Find Species

Class: Teleostei
Order: Siluriformes
Family: Mochokidae Squeakers or upside-down catfishes
Subfamily: Chiloglanidinae
Genus: Chiloglanis

(See list of species below)

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64 species
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Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens

Max. Length 5.6 cm SL
Chiloglanis angolensis Poll, 1967

Photo by Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens
Chiloglanis angolensis
No picture found

Max. Length 9 cm SL

Chiloglanis anoterus
[Pennant-tailed suckermouth]

Photo by de Vos, L.

Max. Length 7.6 cm SL
Chiloglanis asymetricaudalis De Vos, 1993

Photo by Photo by de Vos, L.
Chiloglanis asymetricaudalis

Photo by Mertens, P.

Max. Length 4 cm SL
Chiloglanis batesii Boulenger, 1904

Photo by Photo by Mertens, P.
Chiloglanis batesii

Photo by MNHN

Max. Length 3.8 cm SL
Chiloglanis benuensis Daget & Stauch, 1963

Photo by Photo by MNHN
Chiloglanis benuensis
No picture found

Max. Length 6.8 cm SL

Chiloglanis bifurcus
[Incomati suckermouth]

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 6.1 cm TL
Chiloglanis brevibarbis Boulenger, 1902

Photo by Photo by FAO
Chiloglanis brevibarbis
[Short barbelled suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.6 cm SL

Chiloglanis camarabounyi
No picture found

Max. Length 4.5 cm SL

Chiloglanis cameronensis
No picture found

Max. Length 6.2 cm TL

Chiloglanis carnatus
No picture found

Max. Length 6.1 cm TL

Chiloglanis carnosus

Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens

Max. Length 7.5 cm TL
Chiloglanis congicus Boulenger, 1920

Photo by Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens
Chiloglanis congicus

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 7 cm SL
Chiloglanis deckenii Peters, 1868

Photo by Photo by FAO
Chiloglanis deckenii
[Pangani suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.9 cm SL

Chiloglanis devosi
No picture found

Max. Length 5.2 cm SL

Chiloglanis dialloi
No picture found

Max. Length 3.5 cm SL

Chiloglanis disneyi

Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens

Max. Length 5.2 cm TL
Chiloglanis elisabethianus Boulenger, 1915

Photo by Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens
Chiloglanis elisabethianus
No picture found

Max. Length 6.5 cm SL

Chiloglanis emarginatus
[Phongolo suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.4 cm TL

Chiloglanis fasciatus
[Okavango suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.4 cm SL

Chiloglanis harbinger
No picture found

Max. Length 6.5 cm SL

Chiloglanis igamba
No picture found

Max. Length 4.6 cm SL

Chiloglanis kabaensis

Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens

Max. Length 4.4 cm TL
Chiloglanis kalambo Seegers, 1996

Photo by Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens
Chiloglanis kalambo
[Kalambo suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.4 cm SL

Chiloglanis kazumbei
No picture found

Max. Length 4.0 cm SL

Chiloglanis kerioensis
No picture found

Max. Length 2.6 cm SL

Chiloglanis kolente

Photo by MNHN

Max. Length 4.9 cm SL
Chiloglanis lamottei Daget, 1948

Photo by Photo by MNHN
Chiloglanis lamottei
No picture found

Max. Length 3.8 cm SL

Chiloglanis loffabrevum
No picture found

Max. Length 4.1 cm SL

Chiloglanis longibarbis

Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens

Max. Length 10 cm SL
Chiloglanis lufirae Poll, 1976

Photo by Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens
Chiloglanis lufirae

Photo by de Vos, L.

Max. Length 9 cm SL
Chiloglanis lukugae Poll, 1944

Photo by Photo by de Vos, L.
Chiloglanis lukugae
No picture found

Max. Length 9.8 cm TL

Chiloglanis macropterus

Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens

Max. Length 5.6 cm TL
Chiloglanis marlieri Poll, 1952

Photo by Photo by RMCA / Mark Hanssens
Chiloglanis marlieri

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 5.7 cm TL
Chiloglanis mbozi Seegers, 1996

Photo by Photo by Seegers, L.
Chiloglanis mbozi
[Mbozi suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.9 cm TL

Chiloglanis micropogon

Photo by Abwe, E.

Max. Length 5.6 cm SL
Chiloglanis microps Matthes, 1965

Photo by Photo by Abwe, E.
Chiloglanis microps
No picture found

Max. Length 4 cm SL

Chiloglanis modjensis
No picture found

Max. Length 3.5 cm SL

Chiloglanis mongoensis
No picture found

Max. Length 5.8 cm SL

Chiloglanis msirii

Photo by Gratwicke, B.

Max. Length 6.5 cm SL
Chiloglanis neumanni Boulenger, 1911

Photo by Photo by Gratwicke, B.
Chiloglanis neumanni
[Neumann's suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.5 cm SL

Chiloglanis niger
No picture found

Max. Length 4.5 cm SL

Chiloglanis niloticus

Photo by MNHN

Max. Length 4.6 cm SL
Chiloglanis normani Pellegrin, 1933

Photo by Photo by MNHN
Chiloglanis normani
No picture found

Max. Length 4.5 cm SL

Chiloglanis nzerekore

Photo by Palmer, R.

Max. Length 5.7 cm SL
Chiloglanis occidentalis Pellegrin, 1933

Photo by Photo by Palmer, R.
Chiloglanis occidentalis
No picture found

Max. Length 2.9 cm SL

Chiloglanis orthodontus

Photo by Palmer, R.

Max. Length 8.5 cm SL
Chiloglanis paratus Crass, 1960

Photo by Photo by Palmer, R.
Chiloglanis paratus
[Sawfin suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.1 cm SL

Chiloglanis pezoldi

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 7 cm TL
Chiloglanis pojeri Poll, 1944

Photo by Photo by FAO
Chiloglanis pojeri
No picture found

Max. Length 5.2 cm TL

Chiloglanis polyodon

Photo by Ng, H.H.

Max. Length 5.5 cm SL
Chiloglanis polypogon Roberts, 1989

Photo by Photo by Ng, H.H.
Chiloglanis polypogon
No picture found

Max. Length 6.5 cm SL

Chiloglanis pretoriae
[Shortspine suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.9 cm SL

Chiloglanis productus
No picture found

Max. Length 4.2 cm SL

Chiloglanis reticulatus

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 4.8 cm TL
Chiloglanis rukwaensis Seegers, 1996

Photo by Photo by Seegers, L.
Chiloglanis rukwaensis
[Lake Rukwa suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.3 cm SL

Chiloglanis ruziziensis
No picture found

Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Chiloglanis sanagaensis
No picture found

Max. Length 3.9 cm SL

Chiloglanis sardinhai

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

Max. Length 10 cm SL
Chiloglanis somereni Whitehead, 1958

Photo by Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Chiloglanis somereni
[Someren's suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 7 cm SL

Chiloglanis swierstrai
[Lowveld suckermouth]

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 5.2 cm TL
Chiloglanis trilobatus Seegers, 1996

Photo by Photo by Seegers, L.
Chiloglanis trilobatus
[Three-lobed suckermouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.6 cm SL

Chiloglanis tweddlei

Photo by MNHN

Max. Length 2.7 cm SL
Chiloglanis voltae Daget & Stauch, 1963

Photo by Photo by MNHN
Chiloglanis voltae
No picture found

Max. Length 4.8 cm SL

Chiloglanis waterloti

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Chiloglanis angolensis Africa 5.6 SL 1967
Chiloglanis anoterus Pennant-tailed suckermouth Africa 9 SL 1960
Chiloglanis asymetricaudalis Africa 7.6 SL 1993
Chiloglanis batesii Africa 4 SL 1904
Chiloglanis benuensis Africa 3.8 SL 1963
Chiloglanis bifurcus Incomati suckermouth Africa 6.8 SL 1969
Chiloglanis brevibarbis Short barbelled suckermouth Africa 6.1 TL 1902
Chiloglanis camarabounyi Africa 4.6 SL 2017
Chiloglanis cameronensis Africa 4.5 SL 1904
Chiloglanis carnatus Africa 6.2 TL 2024
Chiloglanis carnosus Africa 6.1 TL 1976
Chiloglanis congicus Africa 7.5 TL 1920
Chiloglanis deckenii Pangani suckermouth Africa 7 SL 1868
Chiloglanis devosi Africa 4.9 SL 2015
Chiloglanis dialloi Africa 5.2 SL 2017
Chiloglanis disneyi Africa 3.5 SL 1974
Chiloglanis elisabethianus Africa 5.2 TL 1915
Chiloglanis emarginatus Phongolo suckermouth Africa 6.5 SL 1969
Chiloglanis fasciatus Okavango suckermouth Africa 6.4 TL 1936
Chiloglanis harbinger Africa 4.4 SL 1989
Chiloglanis igamba Africa 6.5 SL 2011
Chiloglanis kabaensis Africa 4.6 SL 2017
Chiloglanis kalambo Kalambo suckermouth Africa 4.4 TL 1996
Chiloglanis kazumbei Africa 5.4 SL 2011
Chiloglanis kerioensis Africa 4.0 SL 2015
Chiloglanis kolente Africa 2.6 SL 2017
Chiloglanis lamottei Africa 4.9 SL 1948
Chiloglanis loffabrevum Africa 3.8 SL 2017
Chiloglanis longibarbis Africa 4.1 SL 2017
Chiloglanis lufirae Africa 10 SL 1976
Chiloglanis lukugae Africa 9 SL 1944
Chiloglanis macropterus Africa 9.8 TL 1975
Chiloglanis marlieri Africa 5.6 TL 1952
Chiloglanis mbozi Mbozi suckermouth Africa 5.7 TL 1996
Chiloglanis micropogon Africa 4.9 TL 1952
Chiloglanis microps Africa 5.6 SL 1965
Chiloglanis modjensis Africa 4 SL 1904
Chiloglanis mongoensis Africa 3.5 SL 2019
Chiloglanis msirii Africa 5.8 SL 2021
Chiloglanis neumanni Neumann's suckermouth Africa 6.5 SL 1911
Chiloglanis niger Africa 3.5 SL 1989
Chiloglanis niloticus Africa 4.5 SL 1900
Chiloglanis normani Africa 4.6 SL 1933
Chiloglanis nzerekore Africa 4.5 SL 2017
Chiloglanis occidentalis Africa 5.7 SL 1933
Chiloglanis orthodontus Africa 2.9 SL 2011
Chiloglanis paratus Sawfin suckermouth Africa 8.5 SL 1960
Chiloglanis pezoldi Africa 5.1 SL 2017
Chiloglanis pojeri Africa 7 TL 1944
Chiloglanis polyodon Africa 5.2 TL 1932
Chiloglanis polypogon Africa 5.5 SL 1989
Chiloglanis pretoriae Shortspine suckermouth Africa 6.5 SL 1931
Chiloglanis productus Africa 4.9 SL 2006
Chiloglanis reticulatus Africa 4.2 SL 1989
Chiloglanis rukwaensis Lake Rukwa suckermouth Africa 4.8 TL 1996
Chiloglanis ruziziensis Africa 6.3 SL 1993
Chiloglanis sanagaensis Africa 4.3 SL 1989
Chiloglanis sardinhai Africa 3.9 SL 1961
Chiloglanis somereni Someren's suckermouth Africa 10 SL 1958
Chiloglanis swierstrai Lowveld suckermouth Africa 7 SL 1931
Chiloglanis trilobatus Three-lobed suckermouth Africa 5.2 TL 1996
Chiloglanis tweddlei Africa 5.6 SL 2017
Chiloglanis voltae Africa 2.7 SL 1963
Chiloglanis waterloti Africa 4.8 SL 1954

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013