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English Abbr. French Spanish Portuguese
ablation till, till
absolute tautonymy, tautonymy tautonymie absolue tautonimia absoluta tautotomia
acoustic tag, tag marque acoustique marca acústica marca acústica
active water table, water table, table
acute toxicity, toxicity toxicité aiguë toxicidad aguda grande toxicidade
adipose tissue, tissue
aerial trap, trap plège aérlen
African tetras, tetras tétras africains tetras africanos Alestiídeos
alar thorns, thorns boucles alaires púas alares, espinas alares espinhos preênseis
algal toxicosis, toxicosis
alimentary canal, canal tube digestif tubo digestivo canal alimentar
alimentary tract, tract
alluvial soil terre alluviale
alluvial terrace terrace alluviale
alternate teeth, teeth
ambient temperature, temperature température ambiante temperatura ambiente
anonymous work, work travail anonyme trabajo anónimo trabalho anónimo
anterior teeth, teeth
antibiotic sensitivity tests, sensitivity tests, tests
Archerfishes poissons archers peces arquero Toxotídeos
Armorheads têtes casquées pentacerótidos; cabezas armadas? Pentaceratídeo
assimilation efficiency, efficiency efficacité d'assimilation eficacia de asimilación taxa de conversão
asymptotic threshold concentration, threshold concentration, concentration
available work, work travail disponible trabajo disponible trabalho disponível
Bagoong tuligan, tuligan
Bagoong tulingan, tulingan
basibranchial teeth, teeth
basket trap, trap
Best Practice Technology, Practice Technology, Technology BPT meilleure technologie disponible tecnología de mejor práctica Melhor Tecnologia Disponível
binary type diets, type diets, diets
bioassay titrage biologique bioensayo bioensaio de toxicidade
biological reference point, reference point, point point de référence biologique punto biológico de referencia taxa de mortalidade por pesca
Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas A & I University, Ichthyological Collection TAIC Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville Depertamento de Biologia, Universidade do Texas, Kingsville
block slope, slope pente rocailleuse talud de bloques vertente de blocos
blotch tache mancha mancha
Bluefishes tassergals pomatómidos; tasartes Pomatomídeo
boulder slope, slope pente de galets talud de callaos vertente de cascalho
buffer tampon tampón tampão
bulletin board, board BBS groupe de discussion tablón de anuncios newsgroup
cardiform teeth, teeth
Carpet or nurse sharks, or nurse sharks, nurse sharks requins-tapis ou requins-nourrices tiburones nodriza; orectolóbidos 0rectolobídeo
castnet épervier esparavel; tarralla tarrafa
choroid tissue, tissue
conical teeth, teeth dents coniques dientes cónicos dentes cónicos
conserved work, work travail conservé trabajo conservado trabalho validado pela Comissão
continental slope, slope pente continentale talud continental vertente continental
cooling tower, tower
critical thermal maximum (CTM), thermal maximum, maximum
Cutlassfishes poissons sabres trichiúridos; peces cinto; peces sable? Triquiurídeos
decision tree, tree
deep epipelagic, epipelagic zone profonde épipélagique capa epipelágica profundo termoclina epipelágica profunda
delta T, T (, (
Drums or croakers, or croakers, croakers tambours esciaénidos; roncadores? Sienídeos
ebb tide, tide marée descendante, flux, jusant marea descendente amplitude de maré
eddy tourbillon giro remoinho
Electric rays, rays torpilles torpedos Torpedinídeos
equatorial tides, tides
equilibrium theory, theory théorie de l'équilibre teoría del equilibrio teoria do equilíbrio
equinoctial tide, tide
exploitation rate, rate taux d'exploitation tasa de explotación taxa de exploração
exterilium larva, tissue
fading of the colors, of the colors, the colors
fair tide, tide
False trevallies, trevallies faux-trevallas lactáridos Lactariídeo
fin- and tailrot, and tailrot, tailrot Finrot
fish tank, tank
Flagblennies, tube- and flagblennies, and flagblennies chaenópsidos Caenopsídeos
flood tide, tide marée montante marea creciente maré cheia
food web, web réseau alimentaire red trófica teia trófica
free rear tip, rear tip, tip bord postérieur libre extremo posterior libre ponta livre da barbatana
generation time, time
Greenlings terpugas hexagrámidos Hexagramídeos
Grunters, or tigerperches, thornfishes, tigerperches, thornfishes terapóntidos Teraponídeos
gut tube digestif tripa vísceras
Hairyfish and tapetails or ribbonbearers, and tapetails or ribbonbearers, tapetails or ribbonbearers mirapínnidos Mirapinídeos
hanging at the surface, at the surface, the surface
head tête cabeza cabeça
Houndsharks émissoles triáquidos Triaquídeos
incomplete reef top, reef top, top crête récifale incomplète superficie recifal incompleta teto de recife incompleto
infrasubspecific taxon, taxon taxon infrasubspécifique taxon infrasubespecífico taxon infrasubespecífico
ingroup tribu
instantaneous rates, rates taux instantanés tasas instantáneas taxas instantâneas
integument tégument tegumento tegumento
interleaved intercalé intercalado con hojas tipo de embalagem
Japanese threadfin bream, threadfin bream, bream
Japanese trawl, trawl
jigging turlutte pesca con poteras toneira
keeping time, time
Lap tail, tail
length at first maturity, at first maturity, first maturity Lm longueur à la première maturité talla de primera madurez comprimento do adulto
Linnaean tautonymy, tautonymy tautonymie linnéenne tautonímia linneana tautonomia Lineana
malar thorns, thorns boucles malaires espinhos malares
minimum size, size taille minimum tamanho mínimo
moat and depression, and depression, depression dépression topo de recife de coral
modal size, size taille modale tamanho modal
monospondylous-diplospondylous transition, transition
name-bearing type, type type porte-nom tipo nominal
nasal tentacle, tentacle tentacule nasal tentáculo nasal
National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan Ocean University, Ocean University TOU-AE
National Taiwan University Museum, Taipei, Taiwan University Museum, University Museum NTUM Museu da Universidade de Taiwan, Taipé
neap tide, tides marée de morte-eau maré de águas mortas
newts tritons girinos
nominal taxon, taxon taxon nominal taxon nominal
nominotypical taxon, taxon taxon nominotypique taxon nominotípico
Northern Territory Museum of Arts & Sciences, Darwin, Territory Museum of Arts & Sciences, Museum of Arts & Sciences NTM Museu das Artes e Ciências, Darwin
oceanodromous thalassodrome Oceanádromo
optic tectum, tectum
ovarian tunic tunique ovarienne
palatine teeth, teeth dents palatines dentes palatinos
parts per thousand, per thousand, thousand ppt parties par milliers
pearl thorn, thorn espinho em forma de pérola
pelvic terminus, terminus terminus pelvien terminus pélvico
Pencil or parasitic catfishes, or parasitic catfishes, parasitic catfishes trichomyctéridés Tricomicterídeos
pharyngeal teeth, teeth dents pharyngiennes dentes faríngicos
pharyngeal teeth counts, teeth counts, counts dénombrement des dents pharyngiennes
Pla Thu Nung, Thu Nung, Nung
porpoises marsouins toninha
principle of the first reviser, of the first reviser, the first reviser principe du premier réviseur princípio do primeiro revisor
protrusion of the eye, of the eye, the eye
Psettodids turbots Psettodidídeos
published work, work travail publié trabalho publicado
Puffers compères Tetraodontídeos
purse seine, seine senne coulissante boliche; red de cerco tarrafa
raceway bassin d'élevage tanque
radiometric ageing technique, ageing technique, technique technique de détermination d'âge par radiométrie idade radiométrica
Ragfishes torchon
reciprocal translocation, translocation translocation réciproque translocação recíproca
recombinant DNA technology, DNA technology, technology méthode par ADN recombinant DNA recombinante
reef top, top sommet récifal topo do recife
reef top openings, top openings, openings passes abertura no topo do recife
rejected work, work travail rejeté trabalho rejeitado
reprint tiré-à-part separata separata
requin shark tiburón tubaraõ
response to selection, to selection, selection (R) réponse à la sélection resposta Àselecção
resting on the bottom, on the bottom, the bottom
Ribbonfishes poissons-rubans Traquipterídeos
ring trawl, trawl
rock-hopper trawl, trawl
rostral teeth, teeth dent rostrale dentes rostrais
sailing trawl, trawl
Sand tigers, tigers requins-taureaux Odontaspídeos
Sanddivers Triconotídeos
Sandfishes toroumoques Tricodontídeos
scales above and below lateral line, tooth
Sea toads, toads crapauds de mer Caunacídeos
Searobins grondins Triglídeos
separate tiré-à-la-suite separata
separation from the group, from the group, the group
sharks requins tubarões
side trawler, trawler
sine typo, typo
size-at-age taille à un âge donné idade-comprimento
size-at-first-maturity taille à première maturité
Slimeheads hopelites Traquictídeos
Slob trout, trout
snout to vent length, to vent length, vent length longueur de corps du museau à l'orifice anal
spatial and temporal closures, and temporal closures, temporal closures fermetures dans le temps et l'espace defeso
specific growth rate, growth rate, rate taux de croissance spécifique taxa de crescimento específico
Spikefishes Triacantodídeos
spot tache sítio
spreadsheet tableur spreadsheet
spring tide, tides marée de vive eau maré de águas vivas
Squaretails tétragonures Tetragonurídeos
static tank, tanks bassin statique tanque
steaks tranches de poisson bifes
Sticklebacks and tubesnouts, and tubesnouts, tubesnouts épinoches Gasteroesteídeos
subordinate taxon, taxon taxon subordonné taxon subordinado
superior taxon, taxon taxon supérieur taxon superior
suppressed work, work travail invalidé trabalho suprimido
Surgeonfishes, tangs, unicornfishes, unicornfishes poissons-chirurgiens Acanturídeos
t0 t0 t0
table table Tabela
tableknoll monticule aplati montículo plano
tablemount mont aplati monte plano
tactile tactile táctil
tag loss, loss
tagging marquage marcação
tagging mortality, mortality mortalité par marquage
tagging-recapture marquage-recapture captura-recaptura
tail queue cauda
tail fin, fin
tail tuck, tuck
tail walking, walking
tail-bud stage, stage stade du bourgeon caudal
tail-free stage, stage stade sans queue
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Chilung, Taiwan, Fisheries Research Institute, Research Institute TFRI Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Chilung, Taiwan Instituto das Pescas da Formosa, Chilung, Taiwan, China
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan, Fisheries Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan, Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan TFRI-TT
tandem selection, selection sélection successive selecção em tandem
tangle net, net
Tangs chirurgiens Acanturídeos
tapetum lucidum, lucidum
tapeworms ténias céstodes
tapwater eau du robinet água da torneira
target species
Tarpons tarpons Megalopídeos
Tasman Sea
Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority, Fisheries Development Authority, Development Authority TFDA Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority
tassel houppe tassel
tautonymy tautonymie tautonímia
taxon taxon taxon
taxonomic taxonomique taxonómico
taxonomic group, group groupe taxonomique grupo taxonómico
taxonomic hierarchy, hierarchy hiérarchie taxonomique hierarquia taxonómica
taxonomic taxon, taxon taxon taxonomique taxon taxonómico
taxonomy taxonomie taxonomia
teeth dents dentes
teleosts téléostéens teleósteos
teleplanic téléplanique
Telescopefishes Giganturídeos
telescopic eye, eye oeil télescopique
telocentric t télocentrique telocêntrico
telolecithal eggs, eggs oeufs télolécithes
telson telson telson
temperate tempéré temperado
Temperate basses, basses percichtys Percictídeos
Temperate ocean-basses, temperate ocean-basses, ocean-basses bars Acropomatídeos
temperate region, region
temperature T température temperatura
temporal closure
temporary specializations for pelagic life, specializations for pelagic life, for pelagic life
tendril vrille barbilho pequeno
Tenpounders machètes Elopídeos
tenuis stage, stage stade 'tenuis'
teratogen tératogène teratogénico
teratological specimen, specimen spécimen tératologique espécimen teratológico
term size, size
terminal terminal terminal
terminal 3 cartilage, 3 cartilage, cartilage
terminal fisheries, fisheries
terminal lake, lake
terminal lobe, lobe lobe terminal lobo terminal
terminal male, male
terminal margin, margin
terminal mouth, mouth bouche terminale boca terminal
terminal-phase male, male
ternary name
territorial behaviour
territorial waters
territoriality territorialité territoralidade
tertiary tertiaire terciário
tertiary production
teste t.
testes testicules testículos
testis testicule testículos
tetraodon poisoning
tetrodotoxic fishes
Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas, Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection TCWC Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas
Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas, Austin, Texas Natural History Collection TNHC Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas, Austin Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas, Austin
Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, Texas, Texas Tech University TTU Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, Texas Texas Tech. University, P. O. Box 4499 Lubbock
thalassic thalassique
thaw drip
The Charleston Museum, Charleston, South Carolina, The Charleston Museum CHM The Charleston Museum, Charleston, South Carolina Museu Charleston, Rutledge, Carolina do Sul
The Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia
The Natural History Museum, (BMNH) BMNH The Natural History Museum Museu de História Natural, Londres
thermal layer
thermal refugium
thermal spring
thermocline thermocline termoclina
thermopegic thermopégique
thermophilic thermophilique
thermophobic thermophobique
thickler chain
thigmotropic thigmotropique
thimble cosse
tholichthys stage, stage stade tholichthys estádio tholichthys
thoracic thoracique torácico
thorn boucle espinho
Thornbacks raies bouclées Platirrinídeos
Thornfishes Bovictídeos
Thorny catfishes, catfishes doradidés Doradídeos
Threadfin breams, breams cohanas Nemipterídeos
Threadfins barbures, capitaines Polinemídeos
threat menace
threatened species, species espèce menacée espécie ameaçada
Threefin blennies, blennies triptérygions Tripterigiídeos
Three-toothed puffer, puffer Triodontídeos
Thresher sharks, sharks renards de mer Alopídeos
throat teeth, teeth
throw net
thunniform swimming, swimming
thyroid gland
tidal flat
tidal marsh
tidal stream transport, stream transport, transport
tide pool
Tigerperches Terapontídeos
Tight pack, pack
Tilefishes tiles Malacantídeos
Timor Sea
tip pointe ponta
tip length
tiphic tiphique
tire reef
Toadfishes poissons crapauds Batracoídeos
Tokyo University of Fisheries, Ichthyological Laboratory, Tokyo, Univ. of Fish., Ichthyological Laboratory, of Fish., Ichthyological Laboratory TUFIL Tokyo University of Fisheries, Ichthyological Laboratory Universidade das Pescas de Tóquio, Laboratório de Ictiologia, Tóquio
tongue langue língua
Tonguefishes cynoglosses Cinoglossídeos
tooth plate, plate
tooth rows, rows rangées de dent filas de dentes
topotype topotype topotipo
topotypical population, population
Torrent catfishes, catfishes Amblicipitídeos
torso thrust (with clasper flexion), thrust
total allowable catch, allowable catch, catch TAC captures totales admissibles TAC
total fecundity, fecundity fecundité totale
total length, length TL longueur totale comprimento total
total mortality, mortality Z mortalité totale mortalidade total
total productivity productivité totale
towed net
toxic toxique
toxin toxine toxina
tracing predator
tracking predator
tradable permit
trade winds
traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, medicine
traditional classification, classification classification traditionnelle classificação tradicional
tragedy of the commons
Trahiras Eritrinídeos
trailing edge
trait caractère característica alvo
tram oil
trammel net, net trémail rede tramel
Tran oil, oil
transboundary stock
transducer transducteur transdutor
transferred species
transformation métamorphose transformação
transformation in fish larvae, in fish larvae, fish larvae transformation de larve de poisson
transformation stage
transition zone
transliteration translittération transcrição literal
translocation translocation translocação
translucent object, object objet translucide objecto translúcido
translucent zone
transnational fishery
transparent object, object objet transparent objecto transparente
transplanted species
transverse transversal transverso
transverse curtain, curtain
transverse groove, groove
transverse ridges, ridges
transverse scale row, scale row, row
trap and haul program
trap fishing
trap net
trash collector
trash fish, fish faux-poissons peixe sem valor
traumatogenic traumatique traumatogénico
trawl chalut rede de arrasto
trawl winch, winch treuil de peche
treatment of poisoning of venomous fishes
tree arbre
trematode trématode tremátode
trench fosse vale submarino
triassic trias triássico
tribasal pectoral fin, pectoral fin, fin
tribe tribu tribo
tricuspid tricuspide tricúspide
tricuspid tooth, tooth dent tricuspide dente tricúspide
trifid trifide trífido
Triggerfishes balistes Balistídeos
trilobate lower lip, lower lip, lip
trim net
trimethylamine oxide
trinomen trinôme trinomial
Triplespines tripodins Triacantídeos
Tripletails croupias roches Lobotídeos
triradiate triradié trirradiado
tritors tritors pontas trituradoras
trivial name
troglobitic troglobitique
troglomorphic troglomorphique
troll fishery
trolling pêche à la traîne corrico
tropeic folds, folds
trophic trophique
trophic level, level niveau trophique nível trófico
trophic model, model modèle trophique modelo trófico
tropholytic tropholytique
tropical tropique
tropical region, region
trot line
trough dépression garganta submarina
trouser trawl
Trout-perches omiscos Percopsídeos
true hermaphroditism, hermaphroditism hermaphrodisme vrai hermafroditismo suficiente
Trumpeters morues de Saint-Paul Latrídeos
Trumpetfishes poissons trompettes Aulostomídeos
truncate tronqué truncado
trunk tronc tronco
Tubeblennies Quenopsídeos
Tube-eye or thread-tail, or thread-tail, thread-tail Estiloforídeos
tubercle tubercule tubérculo
tuberculate ridge
tuberous organ
Tubeshoulders circés Platitroctídeos
tubular tubulaire tubular
tubular eye
tubule tubule túbulo
tuck seine
Tulane University Museum of Natural History, Louisiana, Tulane University Museum of Natural History TU Tulane University Museum of Natural History, Louisiana Museu de História Natural da Universidade de Tulane Los Angeles
Tuna ham, ham
Tuna links, links
tuna longline
Tunas thons Escombrídeos
tunicates tuniciers tunicados
turbidity turbidité
turbidity current, current courant de turbidité corente túrbida
turbidity of the skin, of the skin, the skin
turtle grass, grass thalassia espermatófita marinha
twin body trawl
twin rig
two walled net
tympanic head spine
type type tipo
type designation, designation
type genus, genus genre-type tipo genérico
type horizon, horizon horizon-type tipo geológico
type host, host hôte-type hospedeiro tipo
type locality, locality localité-type localidade do tipo
type material, material
type selection
type series, series série-type série do tipo
type species, species espèce-type espécie tipo
Tyrrhenian Sea, Sea
unavailable work, work travail indisponible trabalho indisponível
University Museum, Tokyo, Tokyo, Dep. Fish., University Museum, Dep. Fish., University Museum FUMT University Museum, Tokyo Museu da Universidade, Tóquio
University of the Ryukyus Museum, Okinawa, of the Ryukyus Museum, the Ryukyus Museum URM University of the Ryukyus Museum, Okinawa Universidade do Museu Ryukyus, Okinawa
University of the South Pacific, Fiji, of the South Pacific, the South Pacific USP University of the South Pacific, Fiji Universidade do Pacífico do Sul, Fiji
vent to anal fin length, to anal fin length, anal fin length VAFL
ventral terminal, terminal
ventral tip, tip
villiform teeth, teeth dents villiformes dentes viliformes
virtual tautonymy, tautonymy tautonymie virtuelle tautonimia virtual
vomerine teeth, teeth
Weeverfishes vives Traquinídeos
work travail trabalho
work of an animal, of an animal, an animal trace animale registo fóssil de bioactividade
World Wide Web, Wide Web, Web WWW Toile Mondiale WWW
Wrymouths terrassiers Criptacantodídeos
zoological taxon, taxon taxon zoologique taxon zoológico
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