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Definition of Term

villiform teeth
(English) Teeth so slender and crowded as to resemble bristles of a brush, so that it is difficult or impossible to number them in terms of rows; small slender teeth that form velvety bands. (See also: teeth, villiform)
dents villiformes
(French) Dents fines et entassées comme pour ressembler les poils d'une brosse, ce que les rendre difficile ou impossible à compter par lignes ; petites dents fines qui forment des bandes veloutées. (See also: teeth, villiform)
dentes viliformes
(Portuguese) Dentes tão finos e perto uns dos outros que parecem pêlos duma escova impossibilitando a contagem das filas de dentes. (See also: teeth, villiform)

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European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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