Bregmaceros atlanticus was reported from 28 countries/islands

Table 1: the species is currently present in 20 of them (endemic, native, introduced);
Table 2: possible in 5 of them (stray, questionable);
Table 3: absent from 3 of them (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: all reports listed together.

Distribution: Central Atlantic: Southwards to South Africa in the eastern part. Records outside central western Atlantic should be different species (H.Ho, pers.comm. 2/2017).

All reports in the Mediterranean Sea before 2017 are misidentifications for Bregmaceros nectabanus Whitley, 1941.

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Table 1: Present in 20 countries/islands (endemic, native, introduced)
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Africa Angola AGO native 4496
Africa Benin BEN native 4496
South America Brazil BRA native 47377
Africa Cameroon CMR native 4496
Africa Congo Dem Rp COD native 4496
North America Cuba CUB native 54206
Africa Eq Guinea GNQ native 4496
South America French Guiana GUF native 7251
Africa Gabon GAB native 4496
Africa Ghana GHA native 4496
South America Guyana GUY native 7251
Africa Ivory coast CIV native 4496
Africa Liberia LBR native 4496
Africa Namibia NAM native 4496
Africa Nigeria NGA native 4496
Africa Sierra Leone SLE native 4496
Africa South Africa ZAF native 4096
South America Suriname SUR native 7251
North America Trinidad Tobago TTO native 33407
North America USA USA native 7251

Table 2: Possible in 5 countries/islands (stray, questionable)
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Oceania Australia AUS questionable
Asia Hong Kong HKG questionable 125490
Asia Indonesia IDN questionable
Asia Japan JPN questionable
Africa Mozambique MOZ questionable

Table 3: Absent from 3 countries/islands (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error)
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Europe Greece GRC misidentification 85575
Asia Israel ISR misidentification 85575
Asia Türkiye TUR misidentification 85575

Table 4: Reported from 28 countries/islands.
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Africa Angola AGO native 4496
Oceania Australia AUS questionable
Africa Benin BEN native 4496
South America Brazil BRA native 47377
Africa Cameroon CMR native 4496
Africa Congo Dem Rp COD native 4496
North America Cuba CUB native 54206
Africa Eq Guinea GNQ native 4496
South America French Guiana GUF native 7251
Africa Gabon GAB native 4496
Africa Ghana GHA native 4496
Europe Greece GRC misidentification 85575
South America Guyana GUY native 7251
Asia Hong Kong HKG questionable 125490
Asia Indonesia IDN questionable
Asia Israel ISR misidentification 85575
Africa Ivory coast CIV native 4496
Asia Japan JPN questionable
Africa Liberia LBR native 4496
Africa Mozambique MOZ questionable
Africa Namibia NAM native 4496
Africa Nigeria NGA native 4496
Africa Sierra Leone SLE native 4496
Africa South Africa ZAF native 4096
South America Suriname SUR native 7251
North America Trinidad Tobago TTO native 33407
Asia Türkiye TUR misidentification 85575
North America USA USA native 7251

The map in this page was supported by BioFresh that has received funding from the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226874

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