Food items reported for Notorynchus cepedianus
n = 45
Food I Food II Food III Food name Country Predator Stage
detritus detritus carcasses human remains USA juv./adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Loligo sp. (not available) juv./adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Todarodes angolensis (not available) juv./adults
nekton cephalopods squids/cuttlefish Todarodes angolensis (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Callorhinchus capensis (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Trachurus sp. Argentina juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Morone saxatilis USA juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Pinguipes sp. Argentina juv./adults
nekton finfish bony fish Oncorhynchus sp. USA juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Carcharhinus brachyurus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Carcharhinus obscurus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Dasyatis chrysonota (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Myliobatis aquila (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Myliobatis californica (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Narke capensis (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Raja binoculata USA juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Rhinobatos annulatus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Haploblepharus edwardsii (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Haploblepharus pictus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Poroderma africanum South Africa juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Poroderma pantherinum South Africa juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Squalus megalops (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Squatina sp. Uruguay juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Torpedo fuscomaculata (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Galeorhinus galeus Australia juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Mustelus henlei USA juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Mustelus mustelus South Africa juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish spotted gully shark Namibia adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Triakis megalopterus (not available) juv./adults
nekton finfish n.a./other finfish Triakis semifasciata USA juv./adults
others birds sea birds unidentified Uruguay juv./adults
others mammals dolphins Arctocephalus pusillus Namibia juv./adults
others mammals dolphins Otaria flavescens Uruguay juv./adults
others mammals n.a./other mammals Eubalaena glacialis South Africa juv./adults
others mammals n.a./other mammals Eubalaena glacialis South Africa juv./adults
others mammals n.a./other mammals Cephalorynchus hectori New Zealand juv./adults
others mammals n.a./other mammals Rattus sp. USA juv./adults
others mammals n.a./other mammals Pontoporia blainvilli Uruguay juv./adults
others mammals n.a./other mammals Zalophus californianus USA juv./adults
others mammals pinnipeds Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus Namibia juv./adults
others mammals pinnipeds Otaria flavescens Uruguay juv./adults
others mammals pinnipeds Zalophus japonicus USA juv./adults
others mammals pinnipeds Zalophus wollebaeki USA juv./adults
others mammals pinnipeds Zalophus californianus USA juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks octopi Octopus sp. (not available) adults

Publish in our journal partners Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria (Impact factor 2023: 1.17), Journal of Applied Ichthyology (Impact factor 2022: 1.222) and Journal of Fish Biology (2.0, 2022 impact factor) the results of your primary research on fish growth, weight-length relationships, reproduction (maturity, fecundity, spawning), food and diet composition, introductions and range extensions for faster subsequent entry in FishBase.

cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by rolavides, 2/7/2008 ,  last modified by rolavides, 3:13 PM 14/05/08
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