Food I | Food II | Food III | Food name | Country | Predator Stage |
detritus | detritus | debris | organic matter | South Africa | juv./adults |
detritus | detritus | debris | unidentified | Senegal | juv./adults |
detritus | detritus | debris | unidentified | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
detritus | detritus | debris | unidentified particulate organic matter | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | unidentified fish flesh | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
nekton | finfish | bony fish | unidentified fish scales | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
others | others | n.a./others | unidentified bacteria | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
others | others | n.a./others | ciliates | South Africa | juv./adults |
others | others | n.a./others | tintinnids | South Africa | juv./adults |
others | others | n.a./others | dinoflagellates | South Africa | juv./adults |
others | others | n.a./others | Foraminifera | South Africa | juv./adults |
others | others | n.a./others | unidentified fungi | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
others | others | n.a./others | Rotifera | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | other plants | benthic algae/weeds | filamentous algae | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | other plants | benthic algae/weeds | filamentous green algae | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | other plants | benthic algae/weeds | Ruppia spp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | other plants | benthic algae/weeds | unidentified macrophytes | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
plants | other plants | terrestrial plants | terrestrial plants debris | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | blue-green algae | cyanophytes | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | blue-green algae | unidentified blue-green algae | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Achnanthes sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Amphiprora sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Nitzschia erosa | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Bacillaria paradoxa | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Hantzschia sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Hantzschia virgata | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Nitzschia closterium | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Nitzschia longissima | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Nitzschia sigma | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Nitzschia sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Nitzschia spathulata | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Nitzschia transvaalensis | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Amphiprora paludosa var. subsalina | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Tropidoneis lepidoptera | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Biddulphia aurita | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Amphora sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | small centrales | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Chaetoceros sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Cocconeis scutellum | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Cocconeis sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Coscinodiscus granii | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Coscinodiscus lacustris | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Aptinoptychus splendens | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Diploneis bombus | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Eunotia sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Fragilaria sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Synedra fulgens | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Hemiaulus hauckii | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Actinoptychus splendens | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Licmophora sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Melosira dubia | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Melosira sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Caloneis sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Navicula (in tubes) | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Paralia sulcata | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | unidentified pennales | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Donkinia sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Gyrosigma | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Gyrosigma sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Gyrosigma variipunctatum | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Pleurosigma sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Rhizosolenia sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Rhopalodia sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Stauroneis sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Cyclotella meneghiniana | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Cyclotella sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Grammatophora marina | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Campylodiscus daemelianus | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Campylodiscus sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Surirella sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | Tabellaria flocculosa | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | diatoms | unidentified diatoms | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
plants | phytoplankton | green algae | Closterium sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | green algae | Cosmarium sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | green algae | Micrasterias sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | green algae | Staurastrum sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | green algae | Pediastrum sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | green algae | Scenedesmus sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
plants | phytoplankton | n.a./other phytoplankton | unidentified | Senegal | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | n.a./other benth. crustaceans | Crustacea (fragments) | South Africa | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | n.a./other benth. crustaceans | unidentified crustaceans | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | ostracods | unidentified ostracods | South Africa | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | benth. crust. | ostracods | unidentified ostracods | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | cnidarians | n.a./other polyps | unidentified hydrozoan coelenterates | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | mollusks | bivalves | unidentified bivalves | South Africa | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | gastropods | Assiminea bifasciata | South Africa | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | mollusks | n.a./other mollusks | larval mollusks | South Africa | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | other benth. invertebrates | n.a./other benth. invertebrates | unidentified benthic protozoans | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | sponges/tunicates | sponges | unspecified sponges (spicules) | South Africa | juv./adults |
zoobenthos | sponges/tunicates | sponges | unspecified sponges (spicules) | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | worms | non-annelids | unidentified nematodes | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
zoobenthos | worms | non-annelids | nematodes | South Africa | juv./adults |
zooplankton | other plank. invertebrates | n.a./other plank. invertebrates | Quinqueloculina sp. | South Africa | juv./adults |
zooplankton | other plank. invertebrates | n.a./other plank. invertebrates | unidentified forams | South Africa | juv./adults |
zooplankton | other plank. invertebrates | n.a./other plank. invertebrates | unidentified molluskan larvae | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
zooplankton | other plank. invertebrates | n.a./other plank. Invertebrates | unidentified | Senegal | juv./adults |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | n.a./other plank. crustaceans | unidentified crustacean eggs/larvae | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | plank. copepods | unidentified calanoid/cyclopoid copepods | Ghana | recruits/juv. |
zooplankton | plank. crust. | plank. copepods | cyclopoid copepods | South Africa | juv./adults |
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