Details for Cottalorda, J.M. and P. Francour, 2007
Citation Cottalorda, J.M. and P. Francour, 2007. Évolution de la population de mérous bruns (Epinephelus marginatus) entre 1995 et 2006 dans les eaux de la Principauté de Monaco. in: Second International Symposium on the Mediterranean Groupers. Nice, May 10-13th 2007. Francour P., Gratiot J., eds, Nice University publ., Nice, France: 59-61 p.
Paper URL
Ref. No. 92582
Language French
Usage Not used yet
Remarks Biblio record entered for the species although publication not used yet for bibliography purposes (NB). From Bibliography on Mediterranean Groupers, Epinephelus, Mycteroperca and Polyprion. Compiled by Patrice Francour and Pascaline Bodilis. 30 January 2010 (Ref. 92525) (pdf at on GEM website).
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