Maylandia midomo (Stauffer, Black & Konings, 2013)

Family:  Cichlidae (Cichlids), subfamily: Pseudocrenilabrinae
Max. size:  9.83 cm SL (male/unsexed)
Environment:  pelagic; freshwater
Distribution:  Africa: Lake Malawi (Ref. 93436).
Diagnosis:  Dorsal spines (total): 17-18; Dorsal soft rays (total): 8-10; Anal spines: 3-3; Anal soft rays: 7-8. Diagnosis: The presence of bicuspid teeth in the anterior portion of the outer row on both the upper and lower jaws and a moderately-sloped ethmo-vomerine block with a swollen rostral tip place this species in Maylandia (Ref. 93436). The blue ground colour with distinct black bars, absence of dark pigmentation on a light blue dorsal fin distinguishes Maylandia midomo from all other members of the genus except for M. xanstomachus, M. hajomaylandi, M. fainzilberi and M. zebra (Ref. 93436). The bright yellow throat of male M. xanstomachus and of some M. fainzilberi, and the orange/yellow head, throat, and chest of male M. hajomaylandi distinguish these species from M. midomo. Maylandia midomo is distinguished from M. fainzilberi and M. zebra by the number of tooth rows in the lower jaw: 7-11 in M. midomo vs. 3-5 in M. zebra and 3-6 in M. fainzilberi (Ref. 93436). The presence of bicuspid teeth on the outer rows of the oral jaws distinguishes M. midomo from members of Petrotilapia to which it has a striking resemblance (Ref. 93436). Description: Fairly deep-bodied species with greatest body depth at about base of 6th or 7th dorsal spine (Ref. 93436). Dorsal body profile with gradual taper to caudal peduncle with highest point at about sixth dorsal spine; ventral body profile between pelvic and anal fin slightly convex with upward curve to caudal fin; head short and deep with dorsal head profile concave to almost straight between snout tip and interorbital, making about 50° angle with body axis, then round above orbit to dorsal-fin origin (Ref. 93436). Eye about one and a half times depth of preorbital and in about ¾ in anterior half of head with posterior orbit margin posterior of vertical median of head; snout short with large isognathous to slightly prognathous jaws with teeth exposed reminiscent of species of Petrotilapia; teeth on lower jaw in 7-11 rows with outer row bicuspid and inner rows tricuspid (Ref. 93436). Dorsal fin with 17-18 spines and 8-10 rays; anal fin with 3 spines and 7-8 rays; first 2-4 dorsal spines gradually longer posteriorly with first spine about half the length of fourth spine; last 13 spines slightly longer posteriorly with last spine longest; rayed portion of dorsal fin with subacuminate tip, third or fourth ray longest, about to ¼ to ½ of caudal fin; anal spines progressively longer posteriorly; fourth or fifth ray longest, length to almost middle caudal fin in some males, to about ¼ caudal in females; caudal fin subtruncate to emarginate; pelvic fin to anal fin in females, length in males to first anal-fin rays; pectoral fin rounded, paddle-shaped, short, to vertical through base of 11th or 12th dorsal spine (Ref. 93436). Flank scales large, ctenoid; abrupt shift to small scales on breast and belly; cheek with 3-6 rows of small scales; dorsal and anal fins scaleless; tiny scales over proximal ¾ of caudal fin (Ref. (93436). Colouration: Males with blue flank, green highlights, and 5-9 black lateral bars; head with light blue opercle and green highlights; gray opercle spot; cheek, preorbital and preopercle dark blue/gray; throat blue; interorbital and occipital light blue with one dark-blue interorbital band (Ref. 93436). Dorsal fin light blue with orange spots on posterior margin; caudal fin blue/dark-blue with narrow upper and lower margin light blue; anal fin light blue/white with 0-5 yellow ocelli on posterior margin; pectoral fin with gray rays and clear membranes; pelvic fin black with blue/white leading edge (Ref. 93436). Females blue ground colouration with green highlights and 5-7 faint bars; belly and breast blue/white; caudal peduncle blue/gray; opercle, preopercle, and interorbital green with blue highlights; black opercular spot; cheek, and preorbital blue/gray; throat white (Ref. 93436). Dorsal, caudal, and anal fins gray; 0-2 ocelli on posterior margin anal fin; pectoral fin with gray rays and clear membranes; pelvic fin with first two membranes blue/gray; remainder clear (Ref. 93436).
IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened (NT); Date assessed: 22 June 2018 (B1a+2a) Ref. (130435)
Threat to humans:  harmless

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.