Gaidropsarus mauli Biscoito & Saldanha, 2018

Family:  Gaidropsaridae (Rocklings)
Max. size:  32 cm SL (male/unsexed)
Environment:  demersal; marine; depth range 850 - 1685 m
Distribution:  Eastern Central Atlantic: Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Diagnosis:  Vertebrae: 46-47. This medium-sized reddish species is distinguished by the following characters: head depressed with a blunt snout, rounded in dorsal view; head length 23.4-25.4% SL; eye small, 20.9-21.3% SL; first dorsal-fin ray is short, 21.3-25.4% HL; caudal peduncle ogee-shaped, short, slightly higher than long; pectoral fin very broad, spatulate, length 17.8-19.4% SL and its height 10.6-11.0% SL; pelvic fins long, reaching to or exceeding the level of the vent, 27.5-33.3% SL; lateral line short, inconspicuous, present only over the pectoral and reduced to five minute segments with one pore at each end; vertebrae 46-47 (14+32-33) (Ref. 129620).
Biology:  Found in hydrothermal vents (Ref. 129620).
IUCN Red List Status: Data deficient (DD); Date assessed: 09 December 2018 Ref. (130435)
Threat to humans:  harmless

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.