Eptatretus fudgei Fernholm & Mincarone, 2023

Family:  Myxinidae (Hagfishes), subfamily: Eptatretinae
Max. size:  43.3 cm TL (male/unsexed)
Environment:  bathydemersal; marine; depth range 914 - 1153 m
Distribution:  Western Atlantic, Caribbean, the Bahamas.
Diagnosis:  This species is distinguished from all iits congeners, except astrolabium, carlhubbsi, caribbeaus, cirrhatus, cryptus, goliath, goslinei, laurahubbsae, menezesi, strahani by having seven pairs of gill apertures well-spaced and arranged in a near straight line; differs from all these seven-gilled congeners by having a 3/2 multicusp pattern of teeth (vs. a 3/3 or 2/3 multicusp pattern), with 10-11 anterior unicusps (vs. 15-17 in carlhubbsi. and 13-17 in laurahubbsae, 50-51 total cusps (vs. 63-71 in carlhubbsi, 54-58 in caribbeaus, 61-68 in laurahubbsae, 5-60 in menezesi), prebranchial 12-14 pores (vs. 18-19 in astrolabium, 15-18 in cirrhatus), trunk pores 48-52 (vs. 60-70 carlhubbsi, 56-60 in goliath, 37-43 in goslinei, 60-67 in laurahubbsae) and total pores 79-84 (vs. 93-110 in carlhubbsi, 89-95 in goliath, 65-72 in goslinei, 97-105 in laurahubbsae); further differs from most seven-gilled congeners by having no nasal-sinus papillae (vs. two bilaterally symmetrical nasal-sinus papillae in carlhubbsi, cirrhatus, cryptus, goliath, goslinei, laurahubbsae, menezesi. Strahani) (Ref, 128403).
Biology:  From collection data, the bottom was covered by coral and sand (Ref. 128403).
IUCN Red List Status: Not Evaluated (N.E.) Ref. (130435)
Threat to humans:  harmless

Source and more info: www.fishbase.org. For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.