Enteromius sublineatus (Daget, 1954)
Enteromius sublineatus
photo by Mody, K.

Family:  Cyprinidae (Minnows or carps), subfamily: Smiliogastrinae
Max. size:  8.53 cm TL (male/unsexed)
Environment:  benthopelagic; freshwater; pH range: 6.80000019073486 - 7.80000019073486; dH range: 20, potamodromous
Distribution:  Africa: known from Niger, Volta, Senegal, Gambia, Comoé, Bandama (Ref. 2801, 2940, 81282), Mono, Ouémé (Ref. 2940, 81282) and Cross (Ref. 51193, 81639) basins.
Diagnosis:  Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 11-11; Anal spines: 0-0; Anal soft rays: 8-8. Diagnosis: mouth subterminal; two pairs of unequal barbels, anterior pair reaching to posterior half of eye, posterior pair extending to opercle; lateral line complete and weekly depressed below dorsal fin; 27-31 lateral line scales; 4.5 scales between lateral line and origin of dorsal fin; 4.5 scales between lateral line and mid-belly; 2.5 scales between lateral line and pelvic fin insertion; 12 scales around caudal peduncle; last simple ray of dorsal fin flexible and smooth; 8 branched dorsal fin rays (Ref. 2940, 81282, 81639); 4 gill rakers on lower limb of first gill arch (Ref. 2940, 81282, 81639), 2 on upper limb (Ref. 2940, 81282). 2 round spots beneath dorsal fin, 3 elongated spots on posterior part of body (Ref. 81639). Some of the spots may be subdivided or coalesced on posterior part of body; specimens from Upper Niger sometimes with irregular black band; maximum size observed 71 mm (Ref. 2940, 81282). Description: dorsal profile slightly convex; head pointed; D:III,8; A:III,5; P:14-16; V:8 (Ref. 2940, 81282, 81639). Coloration: scale edges lined with dark melanophores; pattern on sides is variable; 4 well marked individual spots aligned along mid-flank: 1st at level of 7th scale of lateral line, 2nd under posterior base of dorsal fin, 3rd above anal fin and 4th on posterior part of caudal peduncle; pattern is variable: supplementary spots, splitting of 2nd and 3rd spots or fusion of posterior spots to form band; dorsal and pectoral fins yellowish in life (Ref. 2940, 81282, 8163981639). In Upper Niger: 3 spots on sides, more or less confluent into longitudinal black band which is particularly well visible in caudal region, but in some fish these spots are hardly noticeable (Ref. 2940, 81282).
Biology:  Maximum TL was recorded at 10 cm (Ref. 2801).
IUCN Red List Status: Least Concern (LC); Date assessed: 03 May 2019 Ref. (130435)
Threat to humans:  harmless

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